Saturday, January 26, 2013

My daddy and me when I was a high school student!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Penatnya hari ini bila ada kelas ganti sampai pukul 1! Well, lumrah jadi student memang macam ni lah. lol. As what did I mention in my last last post, I am a grandmother's granddaughter. Cara layanan dia dengan aku berbanding my other siblings and cousins, aku rasa orang dapat lihat la. Memang berbeza. Mungkin disebabkan oleh, selama 5 tahun aku sekolah kat MRSM and stayed at Kuching for most of the time, I lived with my aunt and my grandma. Kami jadi rapat. Mungkin itu kot faktor aku jadi cucu kesayangan. Ntah, I'm not really know indeed. lol

But still, aku anak kepada mak dan bapak as well :') So, there was the time when I was in form 2 (rasanyalah), there were lots of students yang failed and lulus pun sipi-sipi dalam Mathematics. So gladly, I was one of the pass student. But I don't know the exact reason, why I cried. It's not that I cried of happiness but I cried because I was so sad that I couldn't get what I want. I put a high expectation for my result (over tau!) and I only got only for 50+ (53-56). I know, I shouldn't cry and I have to feel glad and you know, redho je laa. lol. I saw lots of my friends phoned their parents and mengadu those stuff. But they were all the failed students. I wonder why it was only me who phoned my dad and told him that I couldn't get an A for math padahal I love math. C pulak tu. Tak boleh terima langsung. Well, masa tu lah. :p

My dad sound a bit frustrated but he managed to persuade me and told me that I have lots of chances later. He told me to study hard and let this failure teach me to be more educated and hard-working student. Well, I did it in my PMR 2008! Alhamdulillah. You know, I never told anyone if I failed in everything that I did in my life. I always keep it only for myself and force myself to change to the better one. Only that time, the first time, I told about my failure to my dad. I feel like I am close to my dad. Damn close. You know why I feel so? All my life, orang yang paling aku takut adalah Bapak aku. He is not garang but he's strict in educating the 6 of us. 

He was a laborer and Alhamdulillah now he's working in government sector. I'm so proud of my dad, as he think like an highly educated people. He always find the time to do spot check with our books and always give the best for our study.KLMJ pulak! Haha. The three of us (during that time), selalu sembunyikan buku if there was pangkah-pangkah pen merah yang banyak sebab salah or comment cikgu yang tak best. Even he has to work even harder for extra money to buy reference books for us. It's worth for him as you can see Along is now working at the bank. I'm studying TESL in Maktab Perguruan. Fuad is a sports boy in his school and his friends told me that he is so terer in English. Well, I don't know. Effa is the best students for 2 years. Mukhriz and Irfan also doing well in their study. Bapak and Mak are the great parents in the world. They teach us to appreciate our lives and make us think to improve our lives. 

Personally, orang yang pernah berasa susah dalam hidup memang akan berfikir dengan matang and struggle  sekeras-kerasnya to improve their lives. Bukan aku nak kata orang kaya and dari background family yang senang tak macam tu, cuma selalu nya begini lah latar belakarang orang yang berjaya tu. I'm not telling you that I'm a successful person, yet aku masih lagi belajar. Cuma bila kita tengok kepada kehidupan orang sekeliling kita. Most of them came from a difficult family background so do me. i love my parents. :')

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