Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Viral: Kami tak bersalah tapi kami pro.

Salamun salam and a very good days..

*Fuh, take a deep breath. Stop studying for a while since I can't take it any longer. Siap mengadu kat FB menangis masa belajar. Motip? Tension. So, I end up with this entry*

For us, literally Rajang-ians especially Leputans (I guess only us) has a viral called hacking others' Facebook status. I can guaranteed you, Bobo kalah lah dalam hal ni. Ekekekeke :p

I don't know who is the mastermind of this "wabak". At first, the hacking thingy macam biasa-biasa like saying current things that happen around us. Pastu sekarang makin menjadi-jadi dah. Melampau pulak benda yang diupdate. hahaha. Kalau kawan sama sendiri okay lah, tapi kalau orang asing mahu tak kena marah nanti. 

Well, saya tak terkecuali dalam hal ini, selalu jadi suspek yang menggodam (ceh) FB sang rakan-rakan yang kelihatannya naive. Naive hanya boleh digunakan untuk mereka sekiranya mereka yang menjadi mangsa. Kalau dah jadi salah sorang suspek, memang lesap naive di muka mereka. 

Hari-hari, tiap kali dapat tahu orang online, tiap saat, memang ada idea yang nak dibuat bahan godaman. Eh betul kah GODAMAN? Entahlah, abaikan. :p

these are the criminal faces! Leput Anyut!

Pokok pangkalnya, muka 11 orang penyamuns ni lah kepala dia. Mangsa pun sesama sendiri. Tapi kalau ada orang malang yang jadi mangsa, apakan daya, memang nasib dia agak kurang baik lah, seperti baru-baru berlaku sekarang ini, Saudari Pathricia. Kesian beliau. Saudara George pun sudah di-hack oleh saya dan rakan. Mungkin inilah yang dinamakan sisterhood and bonding. Ah mungkin juga akan menempa sumpah seranahan daripada mangsa. Itulah padahnya menjadi penjenayah.

Kesimpulan, we must act like a pro. Kurangkan gejala jenayah di negara. Sekian dan Assalamualaikum.

Berkhidmat untuk menjadi pembawa viral,

Monday, May 13, 2013

Short Nap : How F calls me!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. I texted F just now saying morning and talked about something random. Until we talked about this..

He told me, he will be my Red power ranger while, I will be his Pink power ranger! But I disagreed with that as I am not the fans of Power Rangers. Due to my so-called obsession towards Lilo and Stitch, I changed his idea to my idea. Ihaks! :p

pink looks feminine while red looks masculine and tough huh?

Perhaps, if I take the idea rationally, the red will protects the pink. Yeah, nurture says so, man has to protect  the woman. Correct me if I'm wrong! :) Because earlier, we talked about being protective in the relationship. I said, why should I protect him instead of he is protecting me. *Insert Drama here people* So he said, we are just like Power Rangers, protecting each other besides protecting people from the monsters and the whatever-aliens. 

On the other hand, I came out with Lilo and Stitch. How ironic! Hahaha.

this picture tells why and why i choose lilo and stitch :p

Literally, Lilo is me and Stitch is F but in a sense of our attitudes, let us assume that Lilo's attitude is F and vice versa. Even though, we are different but we take care of each other, and no matter how hard Lilo controls Stitch but they are happy for being together. And LOVE too. :p

So, that's it F. No question anymore. Hihihi. Bye darlings. I have to switch my blogging mode to study mode again. Assalamualaikum semua!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Amie's Birthday Part 2

Salamun salam and a very good days.. last week I went back to Kuching. The mission was to kill those unnecessary stress out of my mind besides the major aim which is, to make a special surprise for F. *Sorry, every time I update my blog, seems like there are many names for Fahmi. Notice that?*

Anyway, he fetched me at Samarahan, not at Kuching Central neither Airport! I went back by Ika's uncle's car. Eh? Never mind! Thanks uncle! Well, I reached around 7.30 p.m and asked F to take me to my so-called friend's house at Samariang. Then, he agreed with a deal that I will not waste too much time there as I have not take my dinner nor my lunch for the day yet! *he takes this thing seriously*

In the car, I sengaja jadi Drama Queen and we started to quarrel. Basically, no issue raised at all. Hohohoho. That was why, he was a bit angry than he always did. *It was like kenapa-dia-ni-tetiba-marah-padahal-takda-angin-monsoon-pun thinking*

After showed him the direction of the house, I went out from the car while he was waiting in the car patiently plus the unfinished angry with the hanging problem. After I took the surprise from the person-who-baked-it, I get into the car again. Guess what? I memang tak pandai sangat surprise tapi jadi mastermind boleh la sikit. :p

I gave him the white box containing 12 engineer-designed-cupcakes to him. He was speechless because last conversation which I had with him was about the unnecessary-quarrel. 

Tadaaa :p

This was my earlier plan but the person couldn't bake it on F's birthday and I managed to negotiate with her to bake it on Friday and I pick it by myself. Alhamdulillah, even a bit awkward but I did it! Yeay! Thumbs up Fatin! Mission accomplished!

F first bite and choice goes to cadburry cupcake! :')

He cried and I cried too. *Something we called appreciation though it looks like a drama* Ihiks! Takpela, bukan selalu pun kan?

Another surprise at the same time..

my first-DIY-love-coupons or our Love lists. :)

I am type of tak pandai buat benda creative. I did this DIY for so many times but it end up with nothing. Pasal dia buruk sangat. *memang dalam bab-bab ni, saya tak ada keyakinan langsung* Before, I did so many cards like mother's day or father's day but it was just a plain card with a wonderful wishes. Like this, I put all my effort on it. *Orang gigih disini* By the way, F opened one of the lists and the list is "F ask me to do something I don't like" and he did asked me to take it as a challenge. Yep, I do but for the time being (nearly exam) I could not make it. Hehe. There are 10 lists in the book, or shall I call it compilation? Whatever la. 

Well, well, well, there is another birthday surprise to come. Belated surprise. Huhu. F memang pandai ambik hati but me, I am egoistic and I seldom show my appreciation but he always and every time. How irony. 

p/s: Maybe this is the only way I can tell him that I do appreciate him but I can't show it every second like he does. Often, we see a girl will appreciate their boy more than the boy right? but in this case, terbalik pulak. :p Byee and have a great weekend ahead darlings. XOXO and in advance, Happy Mother's day to Mak, Ibu-ibu, Aunts and all women called mother in this planet! I love you! :) 

Assalamualaikum *Doakan exam saya cemerlang okay?*

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hobbies or partly obsession.

Salamun salam and a very good days. Kalau tengok life saya back to 2006 and now memang totally different la. Dulu tak feminine and tak jugak boyish tapi in between la. But now saya boleh cakap yang saya agak feminine walaupun masih lagi gelak macam nak runtuh rumah. In a sense of cara saya kot. i mean physically or specifically the way i dress. 

My hobby, i don't really remember bila mula, i like to collcet bags and foot wears. Apa-apa jenis bags such as tote, sling bag, backpack, handbag, clutch etc and foot wears like sandals, sneakers, wedges, heels, flat, ballerina and flip flop. Memang suka sangat nak kumpul bags and shoes and company. ;)

Dalam tahun ni, i bought 2 foot wears which are sneakers and slipper. For me personally (lagi-lagi masih bergelar siswi ni) memang kalau nak beli foot wear, biarlah kasut yang sedia ada rosak atau compang camping dulu baru ada permission nak memiliki kasut baru. Perhaps, ni jugak cara my parents teaches me. After all, saya bukan anak Dato for real nak beli main suka hati kan? Ihiks!

My mother knows me very well and even Fahmi knows this. Kat rumah and this hostel I have plenty of foot wears. Kadang-kadang kita pakai foot wear tu according to our dressing la. Kalau jeans, memang sesuai dengan semua jenis foot wears except for sandal and gladiator, dia tak berapa nak sesuai la for me. 

Bagi bags pulak, since I was in primary school I memang sukakan beg. Suka mengumul bag. Saya bukan memamndang pada brand semata-mata, yang kat ceruk jalan TAR pun saya beli tau. Dengan senang hati dan gembiranya! Pada saya, asal cantik memang saya suka and murah lagilah best. Dapat beli terus tanpa berkira-kira. Fyi, my mom and aunts memang like me, sukakan bags and banyak koleksi bags, so bila mereka taknak pakai or dah beli tapi tak sesuai, mereka akan bagi saya or my sister. (mungkin minat pada bags ni diwarisi dari tok nenek mak makcik kot ) Kat bilik ni pun I have variations of bags la, Kira 1 clutch, i handbag, 1 backpack, 1 sling bag and 1 Malaysia. Heheheh. Padahal handbags bukan 1. *sila ikut saya ketawa*

Untung bagi saya ada Fahmi yang cukup dan sangat memahami minat saya ni. Sampai during the 3rd Anns dia bagi hadiahkan Roxy handbag and Converse sneaker. Ya, saya tahu even saya sendiri tak mampu beli tapi itulah duit dia sendiri yang dia dapat masa dia kerja part time.Terima kasih sekali lagi ya awak! :p

Tapi satu lah, Fahmi memang agak cerewet and pasti ada masa pendapat kami bercanggah. Sometimes, he has to accept my opinion and sometimes me! Tapi actually, most of the time dia yang kena terima pendapat saya pasal suma benda ni saya yang akan pakai. Hehehe.

Memang saya masih lagi mengumpul dan mengamalkan hobi ini di samping berbelog dan mengumpul novel-novel. I feel so much bless bila dikelilingi dengan orang yang memahami saya sampai ke hari ini dengan ragam dan karenah saya.

Till then, kita akan cakap pasal MNG dan Roxy okay?Ada kisah disebaliknya. And kisah surprise birthday Encik Fahmi kita. Ehemm, selamat tengah pagi and Assalamualaikum semua.
