Sunday, January 6, 2013

Love and Kiss. lol

Salamun salam and a very good days.. I remember back to 2010, the first day I got to know Fahmi, literally, I yang gatai kacau dia masa tu. lol. Malu dengan diri sendiri. Well, he suppose to be happy tapi takmau over la, because he is the first man I greet all my life. *Geli*

Truth to tell you, i started to do Facebook thingy in 2010 so pardon my poyo-ness and skema-tic diagram in Fb during that time. lol. Masa chat dengan dia, he replied one of my chat with a "love" smiley. You know this "<3"? I bet you do. And due to my curiosity, I asked him how to make that symbol. Sebab aku memang masih freshie high school lagi dalam bab-bab benda Facebook masa tu. So dia replied like this tau,

"<.3 buang . tu." (so i have to delete the fullstop and only taip < and 3)

Then, started from that moment, aku macam spesies sakai, selalu lah guna symbol tu. lol lagi.

Just now, in 2013, January 6th. I chat lagi dengan Fahmi. Then, one of the thing I wrote was a kiss smiley. Sounds jerk but sorry, for me it was only a smiley peeps. Like this la dia punya symbol ":*" Then dalam chat tu dia akan appear yang smiley animated tu tau. Bukan symbol : dengan * Here it goes, Fahmi asked me, how to do the animated symbol then. Padahal kat tepi chatbox tu kan ada benda smiley button yang you only have to click and choose whatever animated smiley that you want. Tapi takpela, dia nak aku ajar cara manual kan? Hahahaha. :p Only then, I replied,

":.* buang . tu" (so he has to delete the fullstop and only taip : and *)

Ake tetiba tersentak and I refresh back my memory. Aku buat benda yang sama yang dia buat beberapa tahun lalu lah. lol

Moral of the story : He loves me ever since the first time we got to know each other. The prove is, you can find it in this post. lol *Jom muntah secara berjemaah*

Bye and Assalamualaikum.

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