Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy 21th Birthday Sayanggg!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. I was so exhausted last night that I just went back from Bon Fire thigy with the IPG Teknik at 11.30+ p.m. Okay super penat! But Alhamdulillah masih lagi diberi peluang untuk stay sehingga ke pukul 12 tengah malam sebab nak wish Encik Mohd Fahmi birthday dia. And amma da first (I'm the first)! Yeay!

Siap bagitau lagi, sorry tak bagi hadiah sebab saya kat sini (Rajang), awak kat sana (Kuching) 360km apart! Ihiks :)

Tapi tapi tapi, I made something different last night, and I told him, "...the first present for you sayangg, I'm gonna sing you a song, SEDETIK LEBIH" (Sila ketawa terbahak-bahak kawan-kawan)

Dulu bukan main lagi tak minat lagu ni, kata takda standard (berani kau Fatin!) tapi Abang Anuar, saya telah meminati lagu anda! wuuhuu.

Bukan tak pernah berlagu dengan Fahmi ni, tapi malam tadi lagu dia lebih ada sentimental value dari biasa. Selalunya saya akan terpekik-terlolong menyanyi depan dia (tak ada unsur malu disitu). Okay lah part saya terpekik ja, suara tetap merdu. Tapi part dia, kalau dah nyanyi (selalu dalam kereta), mesti terus rasa nak bukak pintu kereta dan membenamkan diri di tepi-tepi rumput jalanan ekoran Fahmi telah menyahkan lagu-lagu orang sedunia. Wahahahaha. (Hari ini saya aneh sedikit okay)

Sorry, just kidding babe! Well, Sayanggg, happy birthday. Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki, terhindar daripada segala musibah dan penyakit. I love you so much sayangg. XOXO. Sorry for bad habit including marah-marah, tempered, merapu dan main-main banyak serta tak da banyak masa dengan awak. Maaf Zahir dan batin. Ihiks :p  (umpama ucapan raya ye?)

Till then, Hugs everybodayyyhhh. Salam :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sat agi..sebentar lagi..few minutes more!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Tengoklah betapa handalnya saya sekarang ni ya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian alam. Sebentar lagi (kurang penegasan), SEBENTAR LAGI, saya nak exam. Tapi menyempat pulak nak update blog kan? Handal sungguh! Haha. Pasal semalam dah gigih menelaah, sekarang ini dah tak dapat nek menerima lagi sebarang ilmu yang nak dibelajar. Padahal ada lagi 2 bab belum cover. Ada nilai sadism di situ.

Bukan saya memandang enteng perihal exam ni (dahlah ada contribute dalam final. Gila?) tapi sungguh, saya dah tak dapat lagi dah nak belajar. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah saya ya. Redho je laa. :)

kata-kata motivasi daripada Abang Tatum kita :)

Semangat tau, hari-hari mengadap abang Tatum pastu puji saya cantik setiap masa tengok lappie! Mana tak semangat kalau hotsetapp puji walaupun dah menjadi laki kepada Kak Jenna kita. (Please la blah) Hahahahahaha.

Tu je laaa, nak mencuba nasib bukak buku balik. Hari ini ada 2 papers okay! Selamat maju jaya kepada sendiri dan assalamualaikum awak semua. Big Hugs!

p/s: Happy becoming birthday to my one and only Fahmi. I love you :*

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Check in versus check up..

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Two days ago, Shen Ming (Ting's new panggilan, hopefully this spelling sounds correctly) and me had a conversation. Well basically, it was all about her health. I think I never mention about Ting specifically here. She is an athlete and a very good dancer but yeah, opposite to meeee! Say what? ihiks! Tidak mengapa itu bapak-bapak ibuk-ibuk seyy. Bukan kah hidup ini saling melengkapi yang mana saya faham seorang sahabat haruslah mengisi kelemahan or kekurangan sahabat yang lain. Macam saya ni orang nya sangat "AKTIF" bersukan jadi Ting pulak "TIDAK AKTIF". So bukankan itu kita kategorikan sebagai balance life personality tuan-tuan puan-puan? :p

Budak ni kan, dia memeyyy gigih bersukan. Okay, gigih sangat! Sampai makan minum kesihatan boleh pulak letak kat mana-mana dia nak sampai lupa pulak kan? Sebagai seorang kawan yang budiman seperti Jozan, (ceh, blah lah) saya selalu mengingati beliau akan kesakitan perut kepala kaki tangan dan apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya. 

Yesterday, I watched Ting and her group, dancing their modern dance at the hall. To be exact, practicing for the IPTEK people to come over our beloved Rajang next week! After that, kita cakaplah. Perempuan kan, kau menari boleh gelak gila-gila pastu buat adegan labio-dental nya. Bahaha *budak TESL pasti tahu macam mana punyaa*

Dia cakap dia nak buat check up pasal kesihatan dia. Athlete kan probability nak injured ke apa ke tinggi. Takdela dia injured teruk, just nak pegi check kot-kot ada ter-accident tak sedar. kann? Jadi nak dijadikan cerita, I agreed with her decision yang nak pergi ke private clinic. (Gov. clinic punya hampehhh kat sini)

"haa..after your dad bank in some money for you, then you go to check in directly laa.."

Niat pada asalnya nak bersetuju kemudian terpesong apabila bakal cikgu omputeh tersalah penggunaan vocabulary. Shame on me. Bukan tersalah, tapi macam fossilize tau tak? Dalam kepala hotak nak cakap "check up" tapi makcik dah tua kan, salah sebut pulak. :p

Check-in is the process whereby a person announces their arrival at a hotelairportsea port or social network service.

Check-Up was a Canadian medical information television series which aired on CBC Television in 1963.

ehsan gambo: phone canggilh Shen Ming :)

Yang jadi best nya, Ting pun angguk-angguk mengiakan kata-kata saya? Cakap sapa tua jugak? Hahahaha. Bukan apa, kami berdua lamaaa sangattttttt dah tak bercakap-cakap, pastu bila dah cakap balik kan, macam tekun mendengar sampai error in speaking pun tak nampak. 

We both only sedar after makan malam, kami cakap and I told her actually I salah sebut. Padahal dia pun tahu masa tu saya salah tapi tak cakap sebab conversation masa tu macam serious kan. Bila dah buat salah masa serious ni macam boleh dimaafkan beserta tiada troll. Kalau troll ada pasti gelak teguling-guling sampai pentas dewan pun runtuh dengan daifnya. Alamak, personifikasi di sini. 

Baiklah, saya ni konon nak belajar, tengok-tengok benda ni pulak yang ditelaah. Bagus betul teladan engkau Fatinnnn. Selamat tengah malam dan I nak belajar. gigih ni cakap nak bagi awak semua percaya yang saya nak belajar. Assalamualaikum and hugs!:p

Friday, April 26, 2013

Try to take it positively instead of feeling offended!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Last night, I posted 2 videos on my keek acc. The videos are about my lil bro's vid, Irfan and the fav lil cuzzy's vid, Dhiya. After posted the videos on keek, I shared the videos on my Facebook and Twitter as well. 

Here's the story begin..

Under the video, I tagged my aunt's FB. And the husband commented on the link. Well, to be so damn clear, the video named, 

"#Dhiya is wearing my drees?LOL"

Her dad, commented and said " LOL stands for Lucifer our Lord, think of it.. selamat beramal". At the very first place, I was quite shocked and got angry with such comment. All this while, I like to use the word or acronym "LOL" and you can even see it on my previous posts. Like so many many times I used it. Personally, I only know LOL stand for Lots of love and laugh out loud! If I know that word means Lucifer our God, for God sake! I would never used it. 

So, I asked Nora about this matter, and she shows me the article about this LOL thingy. Even YOLO, the latest acronym for me (pardon, I memang kuno pasal lambat tahu benda macam ni) also has another meaning which obviously L = Lucifer! Ya Allah, kalau saya memang dah tahu takkan nak membodohkan sendiri guna such word kan? I know my limit and what I'm doing. 

For some reason, I understand if the intention is just to make things right. Perhaps, last night I got too emotional that I feel like marah and you know what, somehow, it gives the chance to people (orang yang tak kenal saya, random makhluk yang lalu kat FB saya) to judge me. Who knows? I don't care if I make any wrongdoings and people judge me. That's what I deserved to. Kan? In this matter macam takleh terima lah for me because I really don't mean it. 

I wanted to sign in my Facebook again and try to makes thing clear but unfortunately I can't! Elaine's broadband which I used before, reaching its limit. Connecting to IP's wifi macam haremmm takleh nak connect barang 1 bar pon! Nak pinjam lappie kawan, agak-agak lah kan? :/ *punching all around*

Dah nak menangis nak mintak tolong sesapa yang sudi tak terkata jugak. *almost burst into tears*

After taking some times to think, I reflected back what I did. Macam dah ada keberuntungan bila tak bertindak dengan emosi dan tak dapat online facebook malam tadi untuk balas balik apa orang cakap yang nampak sangat tak sama dengan niat asal saya. I think I just let it be there. Bukan saya mengiakan kata-kata orang untuk menampakkan saya betol-betol salah (padahal tak pun) tapi memang taknak kot. I think there's another way to makes thing clear. Like takyah guna LOL or kurangkan untuk mengelakkan orang cakap bukan-bukan tentang kita. LOL YANG SAYA GUNA ADALAH LAUGH OUT LOUD and LOTS OF LOVE. There's no other meaning and apatah lagi meaning yang bukan-bukan. 

P/S: In sha Allah I try to take it positively. And I cant promise to not use LOL but I try to minimize it. Tapi memang I nak stress that LOL for me is lotsa love and laugh out loud. maybe i dont have to use acronym! Kot? nanti apa-apa salah lagi. Kesian sendiri. Untuk jaga nama baik semua orang termasuk sendiri, I try! Doakan saya :") *wanita beremosi disini. gelak meriah* <--- Pengganti laugh out loud!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hijaber's perception.

Salamun salam and a very good days..

This photo was taken few years back, when the first intention of wearing hijab suddenly comes. It was Mom's tudung that I wore after attending a kenduri at my cousin's house. *looks like the face is burning and the teeth are blinking and oh, a bit berisi I guess*

with the roommate, Shasha
After 3 years, Alhamdulillah. It was hard at first but finally I've made it. Yeay!

Model Pelajar PBSM. Ihiks! :) Monday always blues! Tatatititutu ya'll. Salam

Sunday, April 21, 2013

better decision..i believe!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. After I removed your contact from my skype, I feel like I am enough of this. I am okay as long as I don't have to think of other problems. And yet, I have to take the responsibilities of your problem. I am in misery. I am done and what I do is for my own sake. All this while, I realized that, one who I trust, is the one who does those craps on me. I helped you but when it comes to me, you are pretending. Pretending that you care, but you are not. Talking rubbish and guess what, you are such a back stabber, liar! Seems like you're taking things for granted. Like "bila susah baru ingat, dah senang, senang lepas and lupa"

I don't mind losing a friend, someone who used to be the one I care and put my trust on before because I want to make things right. 

Stay away from my life. I have my own life and you do. You have your own. I feel so sick that I have to  keep this from Fahmi ever since I was too scared to tell him. Because of you, I have this massive problem. And, after we have the right time, I'll tell Fahmi what is it actually. God, help me! 

I know, Fahmi will always be by my side.  And thanks to my family and friends  as well.


Salamun salam and a very good days..

I miss you. That is all I can say. We are both need some space for now. We are not okay but I am sure, tomorrow we will be like before. 

My tambi, my hubby, si chubby, itu Fahmi :) LOL

Love you sayangg, 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Safi is the beauty secret. LOL

Cliche Title huh? :p

Salamun salam and a very good days.. I have a bless skincare. LOL Since I was in Form 1, I started to use facial care. It was from facial cleanser to "popo amoi". :)

Influenced by some people, I started to use other skincare like compact powder. I only started to use BB Cream when I am in this university life. Tu pun sebab Mak yang beli. Hahah. Bertuah! It is not that I asked her to buy for me, but I am kind of I-don't-care type of girl. For me, as long as I don't have any pimple, I don't have to find other beauty care from all over places. 

Last year, I changed my facial cleanser from Safi to Melilea. Yeah, I know 1 bottle of Melilea Cleanser worth for 10 bottles of Safi. *trying to compare the price and guess what girls?* Price don't promise you any changes after all. You can't say from ugly Betty, you will turn to Cinderella though! Hahahahaha. *joke*

And now I am using Safi again. It was like a mistake for me to use Melilea. I think, my skin doesn't suit for expensive beauty products. lol. When I was using Melilea, all the pimples which never (i mean jarang la) come out from my face suddenly exist and it was very itchy and kind disturbing me as I like to touch it. Some of pengguna tegar melilea told me, it was the first stage of the treatment. You know what, since the first time I used it until 2 and half months, the pimples are still there. People started to ask me even my mom.

I decided to use Safi products till then the pimples are all gone! Alhamdulillah :) Now, I am using the other Safi's product which is the toner. After having so many outdoor games and activities like BIG and exposing myself to the sunlight, few people realize that my face get burned! Me too! Pedihnya Mak aii, sakit! Then, I asked the roomie about all these stuff. And yesterday I bought the toner. Well, it is so refreshing so far!

As a student, I always sleep late. Not really due to the bundle of homeworks but as a teen, going online etc etc are the reason why I sleep late. This cause lingkaran gelap bawah mata. Your eyes will looks like panda and it's not cool man! And i bought Safi Eye Contour Cream. Well, it works well on me. 

Conclusion, Safi is Selamat dan Suci. Have a blast darlings. XOXO

Pardon any mistakes. Malas nak menyemak. Hahaha !

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The plain us..

Salamun salam and a very good days.. I am kinda girl who wants a perfect relationship. I lives with my flaws but what I am expected my boyfie would be, is just like a Mr Perfect or Mr Know It All *Do insert Kelly Clarkson's song here babes*

We often quarrel and seldom act like we are suppose to. Sometimes, we just can't cope with it when we are in front of people especially family. They will know if we are okay or not. Just have to look at our expressions though. LOL. 

We can be so sweet at one time but but but, we can be so hot-tempered look at the same time. Well, according to the stage of the quarrel I think. The issue always come from me. Weehaaa. At first, I'll be blaming him all around and you know when girl get so pissed off, everything seems to be so wrong and bla bla bla. Ihiks. Salute with those who are so so so kind-hearted who simply accept the sorry. I think Mr H is struggling pretty much in this relationship. Ironically, I will act like nothing happen and deep inside me is like hellyah! Nobody's know but God knows.

The point here is, even we often quarreling, but we still trust each other. Love birds? No we aren't. We are who we are *suddenly Ke$ha appear*

I hope we can keep the word TRUST in us always and forever *Taylor Swift pulak! Duh!* 

Doing his "Don't Say Any Word" pose with bro, Mukhriz! Pengaruh Jozan

Quite a few people asked me before, 
Fahmi tak malu ka bawak beg u? Like some guys, they just pretend to do so. Perhaps a lil bit shy"

Nope! he's not shy. Langsung tak. Everytime I ask him, "Do you feel ashamed bringing my bag Honey?"
He will smile and proudly said, "Not even 1%!" Boleh caya ke tak? You see the picture then. I am kind of girl who always bring my bag (slingbag, handbag, backpack, goodie bag etc) when I am going out. By the time I went out with him, only for the first 30 minutes I carried the bag on my own, then I asked him. Hahahahahaha. Well, that's us.

Ads: I sort of experiencing new addictions nowadays. LOL. After Glee, I am sakai with WeChat and the latest is Keek. But seriously, tak reti. Kalau Encik H tahu I'm gonna die. Ihiks! 

Have a beautiful weekends ahead guys. Got load of assignments need to be done in few days. XOXO

Friday, April 12, 2013

Bonding Vacation with Loves!

Rakyat yang terlibat :p
Sexy Irfan with his swimming trunk! :p
Salamun salam and a very good days.. hye ya'll! It's been a while since I last blogging. Kinda miss this hobby but due to the super duper hectic life as a student prevent me to write on this other world. lol.

The are like bunch of stories that I would like to write here but ya, everytime I logged on this account, everything seems to be lost and running out from my memory. Okay, take a deep breath first ladies and gentlemen.

Last week, after I had done with my School Based Experience (SBE), my family and I went to have a so-called vacay. Well, perhaps we are not travelling at other place, so I just consider this as a "so-called". Haha. Neve rmind then, as long as I spend my precious time with my family. Right?

So, I was on Friday noon after the dudes performing Solat Jumaat, we headed to Damai Beach Resort which took about 45 minutes from Mommy's home. (Mommy is my Mak's sister who is my siblings' "Mama Angkat". On the previous day, I had booked a chalet for us worth RM225! It's reasonable babes. After all, I was using my another aunt's name and had some sort "diskaun" thingy. Ihiks! :p

this is how the chalet looks like.  quite big and all are in!
Straightly after arriving the room, these little kids immediately changed their clothes to swimming attire.
Warming up I think! :p

Then, after an hour, we went to the beach, Firstly, we were swimming and playing with the "ombak rindu". For a few minutes only, we stopped playing at the seaside and guess what? We played beach volleyball together. Only us, the siblings and Bapak. I was so shocked to see my dad playing volleyball. Like a boss! Hahahah. But, he was a volleyball player back to his school life. Even Fuad cannot play as good as he did. Well, Fuad only loves football and futsal and other sports are just plain-interest perhaps!
5 siblings plus the Dad, Big Boss!
While Mak and Nenek on the other hand were sitting and yeah, credit goes to Mak for these photos. Hahahaha. Back to the swimming pool, then Bapak teach Mukhriz, Effa and Irfan swim while Fuad struggling under water holding his breath. Ahaks! At the same time, we were "cuci mata" watching all the Mat Salleh mingling around in their bikinis. Uuuuhaaaa. Nenek is mengucap! hahahaha.

That night, we went to Damai Central for our dinner and hanging around. Lots of Mat Salleh there were eating our local food while ironically, I ordered Chicken Chop!!!! Terbalik pulak kan? Mengada!
The members minus Fuad ( He was taking the photo though)
Fact: Mak and Bapak both can swim while the children are all non-swimmers! Tak reti berenang langsung tapi dak laki-laki The Kamarudins are willing and dare to learn indeed. The girls are just "ayu"! Hahaha.
The Hero and Heroin of The Kamarudins!

Till then, Assalamualaikum babes. XOXO :)