Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to maintain your ideal "BERAT" by Coach F..

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

Oh, just so you know, I'm currently blogwalking in the library. And you know, I don't deserve to be called as a geek or nerd who wears a huge spectacle, reading book at one of the corner in the library. Nope, I don't deserve that. Don't you dare to call me that! HAHAHA. Because, you knew that I am now reading blog and ended up with updating my own blog. Cheese!

Well Fatin, you know TESL isn't an easy course so you still wanna play peek-a-boo with those books on your table? Hikhok! Let's assume that I've read the module given by the lecturer and kasi chan laaa, because tonight I'll continue with those things that I left behind. Can aa? Kasi channn laaa.. HAHAHAHAHA. (I think you know my new favourite phrase already. Aren't ya? Lol)

Last week, I went back. And it is a must for me to at least hang out for once with F. (and it turns out to be everyday) And you know what, no matter how broke or rich I am during whatever time it is, eating is a MUST. Not to forget, I love shopping, - well literally shopping like window shopping and browsing any shopping websites and cry because I couldn't afford any of those things. But.. eating whatevs is just the best feeling ever. I prefer eating than shopping (This fact is only valid during my broke phase)

At the very first place, I don't know that I'm this kind of person until your Abang Mieeee told me. 

"The minute you enter the car, I saw food everywhere besides you." 

And this..

"Yes baby, what food you want now? You're craving for eastern or western or snacks or waffle or sweet corn? Banana Cheese perhaps? Pizza? "

And there was me, just sit in the car, making myself confortable and locking the door, then staring at him.. Giving him my wide smile and grin. (Ambik hati part) While tapping my chin, thinking of which food I want to eat first.. hehe

"Lets go to Kampung Nombor first!" and off we go to get Banana Cheese from a stall of Pakcik Banana. Ngehehehe. 

Maybe, for some girls, they will give that vampire look if their friends, boypreng, or family told them about those two things that F mentioned me. Maybe, it sounds ridicule and sarcastic because, oh man, isn't that the cue for your friend / boypreng / family to tell you that you're getting bigger. And you're a giant eater.

Because you're eating like an oink oink (Well my lecturer once told us in the class, she eats like a p*g everytime she goes back home. Haha)

You can see me, I mean my actual size from any of my photos in my blog or wherever places which suspected to have my innocent face. (Yes, you wanna slap me for telling you that my face are everywhere. But it's true, my faces are everywhere in my social medias' acc and that includes F's latest Facebook profile photo. Ngahahaha)

I eat so much that I have to go to the toilet few times a day. Okay, that's the ultimate secret of how I maintain my weight to be such a "slim river" forever. Gahhhhh! It's either poop or puke! Sounds ewww but let's face it together peeps!

Or another tips is of all 4/4 parts of your food, you must eat 1/4 of the food and let whoever person who is with you to finish the other 3/4 parts of the food. Mathematical reason! LOL

Because in my case, F told me earlier this day that he is gaining up to 3kg from whatever his previous weight. HAHAHA

"You just got back for your weekend, and I've gained 3 kg."

And with my innocent-slumber-poyo face, I replied,

"Well, I love you then I just give you food to show my love. We share our food. That sweet by the way."

I added some more,

"...this is really a good sign for you to start doing your workout and continue with your gym session."

Am I motivating him? Well I think so. Hahahah

And the worst part is, F knows the sign of my hunger games. 

"By the time you masuk kereta.. you'll ask me to buy this and that.. you wanna go to this place because you wanna eat this thing.."

Well, he's not complaining okay! He's telling! HAHAHAHA

Because I like him since 50 months ago and many many months to go, I hereby list A FEW food that I'm craved for.

  • banana cheese
  • crispy waffle with choc flavour
  • sweet corn
  • nasi goreng cornbeef
  • mcflurry oreo
  • double cheese burger
  • Fahmi version of Milo Tabur
  • Fahmi version of Ikan Bawal masak Sos
And the list goes on...

And I'm looking forward to eat the food on the last two bullets. And I'll cook spaghetti for you as the reward. Okay sayang?


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hashtag 1 : On the phone!

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

Come to think about F, fact number 2 is definitely wrong! Maybe, it is more suitable for me. Hahaha. I always be the one who ended our conversation. Being a busy person, makes me feel that it is not necessary to keep on calling and talking on the phone - when there's no important thing to say. Well, texting is preferable when you just wanna ask some silly questions.

I'm the one who will easily get bored when it comes to doing something so frequent. Like study, I'm studying like everytime (hahaha) and later, I found that it's boring. When talking otp with F, I'm not preferring the long conversation + often conversation. Totally annoying. You are repeating the same questions everytime you call. - When you have to give a phone call 5 minutes after you called the same person.

"Have you take your breakfast, baby?"
"How are you today?"
"What are you doing? Where were you just now?"

As matter of fact, this is how you show your concern, but when you are OVERLY-concerned, it is irritating.

So, both me and F always find a good reason to not always bergayut like most couples might do. But, ahhh, nevermind lah guys, if you like to talk for hours, I just don't care about you. it's how you deal with your own relationship. I'm okay with you. Here, I'm just saying based on my OWN relationship. We used to be that kind of annoying-love-birds but that was the time when we were just get to know each other's phase. After few months, we are just a simple and easy going couple. LOL. Until now. But I told ya, when we talk on the phone, we will talk from A to Z, sharing our current stories.


F loves listening to me while I'm talking and talking. (Well, I'm talkative and I'm a debater and moderator for forum so please excuse me when I start to talk, just give me the chance lah!) At some points, we are opposite to each other. He is a bit pendiam, while I'm the one who can talk for hours non-stop! HAHAHAHA. Lucky, I'm not a law student, kalau tak, memang siap kena goreng kalau bercakap!

One thing for sure, when you suddenly see me just sit quietly without talking a word to anybody, you are really in the "danger zone". I'm not in a good mood and I'm pretty sure, by the time I hear any one of you talking, all those craps are just nonsense and annoyed me. Hehehehehe.

So, the other 6 facts in the above picture are true! HAHAHAHA.

At least, being a man, you don't have to face that-time-of-the-month's-mood right? Sigh..

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Assalamualaikum and Hi!

As we all know, our Earth consists 70% of water and the other 30% is land. It is not an accurate measurement but most probably it is, - approximately! (correct me if I'm wrong. But.. I think my Science is not that bad, so this is true. lol)

The question here is, why on Earth (because "out of the blue" is not really suitable here) we always face H2O kind of problems? Like, everywhere I go or stay, there will be a massive water problem occur. Or the water just hates me? :p

I mean it guys! In my own home town, dry taps or air tak di-chlorine or the colour of the water turns to yellowish brown becoming normal problems. You know why? It is because, we face various kind of water problems almost everyday! Hence, my parents bought two big tanks to "keep" the water so that we will not face any difficulties during this critical time. When I was joining PLKN back then, my dorm's toilet always face these kind of problems as well especially dry taps! And I have to walk down to the other dorm's shower (kawah actually) to do my laundry or take a bath! Not to forget, when I was staying in the hostel during Year 6, I have to dress up like a conservative woman, wearing kain batik (or you might called it as kain basahan) to take a bath together with my girlfriends. And mind you, we are using air bukit / air free for mandi and everything. 

And what happen today in my own hostel is the main shower is close due to the construction purposes. Upgrading, because our campus is going to participate in a competition which sounds cheesy for me, something like Pertandingan Tandas errr like whatever! Then we are only using the 3in1 shower which I hate the most because there are still water problems occur in this 3in1 shower! Too annoying to know that those showers are still new but lack in water flowing! Keciput air keluar, deras lagi air mata budak kecik nangis! (metaphor) And I have to shout at Ura, who was next to my shower room, just to borrow her scoop and I have to force her to have a quick bath as I was so annoying with the mosquitoes and whatever creatures in the shower and the water flowing is just nice to make me angry. Waiting is suck after all. Filling up my pail while waiting for the scoop, while brushing my teeth.

The question here is, why do we still have to face water problems despite the Earth consists of 70% water? As a crazy-complaint kind of people, I really need to ask all of you who read this post, why we still have to face water problems like seriously?

I love water even as matter of fact, when it comes to water confidence challenge, I will become a completely loser. Boo! But I love water here means, I love taking a long shower and enjoying my laundry while singing and listening to the music. When it comes to water problems, this will definitely spoiled my day!

Okay done, I better continue writing my notes! :p

Monday, May 12, 2014

What am I doing?

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

Sometimes, I think, it's good to be a bit lazy. HAHAHAHA. I can't explain why because that feeling is just indescribable. Okay lah, one reason; if you're being too hardworking, then at the end of the day, you will feel exhausted and you wanna complaint about everything if those things that you did earlier did not turn out to be the things that you want. Despite for some cases, you feel so relief that you had done everything earlier. Meaning to say, your hardwork are all paid off. But still, lazy is good sometimes. LOL

What I meant here is, I'm totally lazy to update my blog and continuing my writing. You know, I'm sort of I-have-the-things-in-mind-but-I-am-so-lazy. Actually I have the ideas of Part 10 and the ending of Sabar Itu Indah (what? ending?), but I was sooooo lazy that I refuse to type out every single words in my mind on Microsoft Words. And I know, this is quite a 'stunt' moment when I come over to think, that soon, the idea might just gone and when I wanna write again, I don't know what to write. Sigh!

In my studies cases, no matter how bad my lazy is, I have to force myself to study and read all the boring notes so that I have some ideas for answering the questions later. Well, I'm pretty sure that I will menggoreng in the essays. HAHAHAHA. Well, this week is our study week actually and next week, I have 3 final papers in a row. *say cheese guys* :p

Well excuse me, I'm studying now. Occasionally study. Kekekekekeeke

These past weeks, I've been so busy like Mr. President until at one point I just cry for no reason and blame every single thing around me. Like, blaming the locker which makes an annoying sound while I'm opening it and blaming the dorm's toilet for not having the scoop until I have to find the scoop merata and that's annoying orange! And not to forget, while listening to sentimental songs I cried badly as if someone had just killed my cat. (Well, I'm not a pet lover. This is just an example)

 Okay. Let. Me. List. Down. Everything.

1. English Fest
2. Ujian Akhir Kursus
3. Replacment Class. (even during public holiday!!!)
4. Kursus Kepimpinan JPP
5. BIG Programme
6. Going Back (pleasure)
7. Sleeping (pleasure)
8. Daydreaming (pleasure)
9. Thinking (crazy)
10. help me to list down the possible answers here okay? :p

I just hope that this semester will end very quickly as I wanna focus on something more important. OMGeeee Fatin, so there is something more important than your studies? HAHAHA. Well, my family is my priority! So, the important thing here is spending quality times with my love ones! Study is just stressing and stressing! 

So, last weekend I went back to Kuching and I spent almost a day with F's nephew who eventually turn out to be my son. LOL. One thing for sure, Amsyar should starts to call me Mommy instead of Aunty F.

The sad thing is, he hates me. HAHAHA. Maybe because of I'm too excited and makes him feels ennoying when I start to gigit-gigit and picit-picit his cheeks and thigh! But all parts of his body are too yummeh like KFC's drumstick! How can you manage to not open your mouth and bite that? :p

Bonding time with Luqman Amsyar but he was enjoying the view more, rather than looking at his Aunty's happy face! Haih!
"Oh Aunty, no matter how much you love me, I still don't like you!" - Amsyar. Kesian Aunty!

Like I told you, Amsyar is annoyed by his Uncle too. Pic: He is literally slapping his uncle. HAHAHA

This is how I bring kid. HAHAHA. I should learn how to bring baby and how to make them fall in love with me too!

Itu sahaja. I miss rambling, so I just posted this random thing here. I'm looking forward to see my family to celebrate my lil bro and lil sis punya birthday. And I hope I have some money so, I can buy them cakes and presents. #PrayForMe. Teeheee. 


Assalamuaikum and have a blast y'all!