Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's A Me-Time!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. First and foremost, just to let you know (for those who really wanna know on Earth is Nurul Fatin. Ihiks) I am not kind of overly-attached person in a relationship. Perhaps, some might think I do, but I swear I don't! Maybe you always see me hang out with F but during the date, I'm not always glued/cling with him. If he come over my full house, I'll make sure he will mingle with my siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and so forth instead of 24/7 with me. So do me when I come over his house. But I seldom met his family. Segan ah! Dia takpe la. Laki kan? *Alasan macam tak berasas ;)*

Back to the above topic, I am the one who always have this me-time. Well, me-time is a word for me which means, I need that some times for myself. Just to get my own fun, and not to fool around. Exaggerate? Ignore it! lols.

Everyday, I will have that time for me to be alone. Well, literally alone. I mean, me with my own world while F on the other hand enjoy his own business. Cool for us! In a relationship, it does not matter that you and your partner are such a love birds or not, you need to have that privacy which you and your partner have to mind your own business. Sound silly but that's the truth.

For me, I will have the Me-time after my kuliah while he's still having his class. Well, logically, I will not bother him when he is having his class even he asked me to do so (as prevention from feeling sleepy) but I insisted to let him have his beauty-sleepy-class and just focus on it. Hahahahaha. 

Sometimes (eh macam selalu pulak) during my class, I will text him for the first one hour or in between I will text him if there's something that I wanted to tell him. But actually, I was surfing the internet, signing in to FB, Tweet, Blog or even sometimes Keek. Due to the restriction of accessing the internet (using institute's wifi) I will sign in to these social networks only at 12 pm. Haha. Strike one F! :p Kalau selepas 1 or before 12, the me-time will be used for blog-walking, updating blog (quite rare) and reading entertainment news. Okay entertainment! Hahahhaa

Meanwhile, during evening, that me-time will be used for my beauty-snow-white sleep. Means, sleep like Snow White for hundreds years until a Prince Charming kiss you to keep you awake. Practically that Prince Charming definitely F but he will not kiss me like Prince Charming in Snow White did, he will text me like bunch of messages, and call me for trillions times. Hahahah. Typical me and typical F. Well, I used to it! 3 years and 4 months after all.

Night time, the me-time will be used for me to have a casual conversation / gossiping with my dear Leputans. Sometimes, I will have that time to have our serious discussion like the leputans' future. Even we are not so sure of it but we tend to make it looks damn true. 

No matter how many times I have that me-time, I still act like a good decent girlfriend to F. Hahahah. But serious, there's no bad intention while having this me-time except for having my own fun. Especially when we are not in a good mood of texting and talking. So here comes the me-time as a rescuer. 

Have a great day ahead fellow friends and happy 9th Ramadhan! :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Muhasabah Diri :)

Salamun salam and a very good days.. I was so excited to see someone that I know for so long, had taken one step ahead in which, she chose to get engaged to the guy that I know as well. Alhamdulillah. Mabruk ukhti. :)

*Macam baik sangat kan kata-kata saya di atas. Tapi memang nak baik lah, sebab niat baik di bulan Ramadhan. Tidak begitu?

Last night, I posted at my Facebook saying that I was taken aback by this quote which sounds more or less like this,

Kalau kita buat sesuatu, kita perlu tanya kepada diri kita terlebih dahulu, Allah redha tak dengan apa yang aku buat?

Truth to tell, saya naif dan saya ni takla baik dalam melakukan sebarang perkara and I always make mistakes. Dalam kita sekarang ni kan, macam semua benda kita buat orang akan persoalkan. Tak kira lah benda tu baik atau buruk, tapi yang buruk apatah lagi kan. 

Tapi, based on the very first thing I wrote above, memang I am jelly to see this person getting engaged! Uhuuu. Rasa nak suruh F datang rumah! Hahahahah. Motip? Sebab nak jugak. Luls. 

Tapi apa yang kita nak or plan tak semestinya kita akan dapat on the spot. Kita kena letak some / more effort untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang kita impikan. Mempunyai plan pada masa depan tidak salah kerana kita perlu bijak mengatur kehidupan asalkan Allah redha and bend yang kita rancang tidak bertentangan dengan syarak. 

Just to share and for my own reminder, untuk mengikat ikatan yang membawa ke arah hubungan yang halal (or dalam bahasa mudah dan simple nya, bertunang), seboleh-bolehnya we keep it low. Tak perlu nak menghebohkan sekampung kebandar dan seplanet sebab itu belum pasti. Lain lah kalau kahwin kan, sebab kiranya kita nak bagitahu yang perempuan itu telah dimiliki and tak boleh kacau lagi dah. :p

Reason update benda ni, nak jugakkkkkk. F note that! Hahahaha. XOXO

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Geli boleh tak? :p

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Too little too late perhaps, Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak semua. How's your puasa so far? Semoga mendapat berkat hendaknya :)

Anyhow, semakin hari semakin sibuk dengan assignments yang datang berpusu-pusu menyebabkan diri ini jarang online dan meng-update. Eh? :p Menipu disini.

There were times when we had this conversation. (we referred to me and F). I kind of influenced by the novels, movies and yang sewaktu dengannya with panggilan "Abang" for suami. Somehow, I feel like, it is such a sweet and gentle call for the husband.

I asked F either I can call him with "Abang" or not. (in future in sha Allah. Don't get me wrong, as if I wanted to call him Abang now) He definitely say no. For him, Abang is the old panggilan which a wife use to call her husband. And what more to say, when he said that panggilan "Abang" is for your brother only. As for me, I don't have Abang. I mean biological Abang but F ada abang. I have many bros which I call Abang with their last name after it. 

F cakap, kalau panggil "Abang", dia rasa tak special plus akan rasa janggal yang teramat. Actually, bila panggil F "Abang" pun macam geli gila. Hahaha. Plus minus, shivering, frozen and seriously geli yang teramat. Why on Earth should I call him "Abang"? Sedangkan there are loads of panggilan yang saya boleh guna. 

Well, the motip is just mengada-ngada and try to see his reaction. More to his facial response la. F, kalau geli, memang geli! But I swear, I prefer call him F or H... rather than calling him "Abang". Satu, bila abang-abang ada pada masa dia ada, orang akan confuse abang mana satu yang saya panggil. Kan? Dua, F confirm takkan bagi respon punya kalau saya panggil dia macam itu. Last, F nampak modern and Abang nampak macam classic and epic untuk orang sekarang la. Kalau mak-mak kita or orang masa dulu-dulu mungkin nampak sweet, kalau orang macam kita sekarang ni, I think we should think before we use that panggilan. But no harm for those who prefer "Abang". This is just a thought after all. 

Happy 5th Ramadhan fellow Muslims. XOXO

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Alkisah Deko bersama si kecik-kecik!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Hi! Remember, dulu saya ada cakap saya nak update pasal pengisian cuti semester saya yang lepas. Ada hari dah nak cerita haritu tiba-tiba lecturer masuk kan, terus terbantut. *Insert meh expression here. Grrr :/

Okay, my house was actually renovated last holidays. And I have a new bedroom, bigger than the previous one of course. Heee. Share the room with Along and Effa. So, here it goes:

1. Before the make over

Inilah naked room saya. Dengan seleraknya. Oh trophies tu adalah anugerah akademik semua, since anak perempuan semua bukan manusia sukan dan anak perempuan haruslah berlagak ayu dan mencapai kejayaan dalam akademik semata-mata. Tak begitu?  Kalau adik lelaki saya lainlah, spesies sukan semua!

Tema bilik anak perempuan adalah pink. I decided to paint the wall with two different pink colour. 1 tu precious pink dan the other one, lupa dah. Heheheh

2. Misi mengecat bersama si kecik molek, Mukhriz dan Irfan.

the sexy brothers helping the poor sister painting the room. Nak harapkan Abang mereka tolong, haremmm!

3. Di tengah-tengah misi mengecat
inilah lagi satu colour yang saya tak ingat nama dia. Hihi :p
Tips pemilihan cat: I asked F before cat the room. Colour yang gelap sesuai letak kat mana and yang terang macam mana pulak. Then, his suggestion, dia suruh letak bright colour kat kawasan pencahayaan. Macam kawasan yang berhadapan dengan sumber cahaya (tingkap). Teori F cakap, warna yang bright kalau kena pantulan cahaya akan brightkan bilik tu. Kalau letak yang dark colour, bilik nampak gelap. So, I ni macam noob sikit, so I ikut apa teori F tu lah. Hahaha

4. Selesa mengecat dan mengatur kedudukan katil yang berat tapi ada sentimental value kepada the whole family.

perhatikan gambar ni, frame masih kosong lagi kan? hahah. semangat punya pasal!
the big Stitch usia dia dah masuk 3 tahun. hehehe. Dialah harta  kesayangan sempena hadiah birthday daripada F 3 tahun lepas. Bantal busuk kaler biru sarung MAS tu lagilah harta kesayangan. :p

Actually, the room was not fully-decorated..yet! Hahaha. Sebab masa tu masih lagi dalam renovation rumah and saya yang semangat nak deco awal-awal! Wiring pun belum lagi, sebab tu lah masih bergantungan lagi wayar dan masih guna kipas duduk. Ada satu meja with tool yang jual kat emart tu in my to-buy-thing untuk letak kat satu sudut kat bilik. And haritu Mak beli almari pakaian baru and dia cakap dia sengaja tak letak dalam bilik sebab dia tahu saya nak beli meja tu and cermin panjang sekali. Mak, memang memahami! I love you! And Bapak pun mula tu dia yang ajar macam mana nak cat dengan betol so that dia tak macam bertompok. 

p/s: Thanks kepada sesiapa yang membantu. XOXO! Room is still under construction!

Sebelum masuk bilik, haruslah pijak mat ni dulu.Sebagai approval!

Lotsa love!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Love can even change in a split second!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Last night, we were stuck in the road because it was raining heavily. The car can't even move. Only for 15 minutes after that, the car move but a bit slow. The moment we passed the traffic jam, we stop at a junction while waiting for the others to come over. At the very first place, we were planning to go to one of the Pa's friend house. 

The moment he went out from the car, my heart suddenly froze. The feeling when I saw him right in front of me like the first time I met him before. Love at first sight I guess. Wearing that green baju melayu with his folded slack might looks a bit funny though but the way he smile, the way he behave and that baju melayu makes me fall in love with him for the second time. His little sweet smile always make me feel he's mine. The only smile that he will only give me all these times. I seldom praise him and that second, my heart beat and my eyes keep on looking at him. 

"Handsomenya dia.."

I never tell him before, never and never. 

Unfortunately, in a split second, he changed everything. There was this third person admitted that she was "didukung" last time when she was falling from the stairs. I looked at him, besides me. Acting like he did not do anything. His plain face not even dare to see me, look into my eyes. I burst into tears. I just can't help it. Well at least if he wanted to help, I just accept it. He don't even tell this to me, even went out with this person and everything they did, I don't even know. 

"kalau depan dah macamni, belakang macam mana? lebih lagi kan?"

Should I back off? 

I know I'm sick. Like totally sick! I don't have anything like that fellow can give you. I always ask for everything from you yet I don't give anything to you. You think I'm worth for you? I deserve to be with you. No right?

p/s : this is part of the novel. Can't wait to know the crisis? The best girl win kan?