Friday, January 3, 2014

The hoax of my 2014's goals

Assalamualaikum and hi! :)

Oh ya TGIF for me when I'm in the campus is just the same with my other days, so I don't really have the feeling of oh-sukaaaaaa-nya.

3rd Jan is not that late for me to share a few things here. Basically for my wishlists in 2014. Biasalah kan, nak cakap sasaran yang wajib tu tak lah, tapi antara benda yang ingin dicapai sahaja dalam tahun 2014. Hey dream high is good. At least kita ada matlamat hidup.

So, these are the things...

1. Going for an educational trip to Australia. We planned about this trip years ago and I make some saving only for this trip. In sha Allah we are looking forward for the trip. In case tak jadi, my friends and I are planning to have our own trip to Bali. Hikhakk

2. Education and all the activities. Just so you know, I'm not really into sport like F. I always take the opportunity to join educational-basis-competition like debate, forum, drama and all sort of things.Ya right, saya dan F pun banyak perbezaan. Maybe this year I'll be joining drama like past years. Maybe lah! Hahaha. Nampaknya tak lah sebab jadual semester 3 & 4 sangatlah packed! Nak join JPP pun taknak. Stay on KESPA. More camping to go! :3

3. Business. Writing. Errrr.. we'll see how it goes. Hahahaha. Your du'a and support are all I need. :')

4. Workout. Bukan nak bagi kurus sebab memang dah Work on some KGs in sha Allah. Jogging dengan roommate macam selalu.

5. Penuhkan wardrobe. Cincakkkk! Hahaha. Hey, its been a while lah! I've been waiting for ages okay? Elaunnnnnnnnn mintak sikit untuk buat investment. Kalau si dia telah bekerja lagilah I suka! Wiwiwiwiwi

6. Read. Reading maketh a man! So read Fatin read. I love writing but I hate read educational thingy. Novel boleh lah. Hahaha. Sigh!

7. No drama please! A girl memang sebati dengan drama but this girl mungkin nak kurangkan drama tahun ini. Hahaha. Keep calm and move on!

Above all, memang lah semua orang nak jadi lebih baik as what our religion ask us to do..and so do me. But saya nak ambik pesanan this guy, F.. nak berubah ke arah itu, nak berhijrah kadang-kadang tak perlu dihebohkan. Biar kita dengan Dia sahaja yang tahu kan? Lagilah kalau kita nak heboh untuk berubah tapi tak istiqamah, lagilah orang akan bagi pandangan yang kurang best didengar kan? Okay, that is it. For this kind of matter, I don't want to say much. Pardon me. :)

In case you forget me and don't trust me for telling you that I went to a few places last holidays and I did a few thibgs last year, do look at the photos below. As tbe proves. Hahaha. Till then, hugs. xx

Actually, I miss my family and my F.

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