Monday, September 23, 2013

Random talk..

Assalamualaikum and hi dear aunts and uncles. (wah wah wah, semenjak dinobatkan bakal menjadi makcik ni semua orang mahu dibahasakan sebagai makcik pakcik. ihiks)

Alhamdulillah, my first 'piece' dah dihantar kepada kak Emy untuk di-check and still waiting for the respond. Takda rezeki kita dapat cuba lagi lain kali kan? Hopefully diterima lah. By the way, I am writing short stories dulu sebab novel perlu banyak research. :)

Speaking of writing, I did mention about this interest before. Saya dah tulis few short stories and I chose the second cerpen untuk dicuba nasib. Mana tahu tuah ada, dapat publish. Aminn. Saya dah tulis novel tapi kena add on few things so still tergantung. After all, sangat busy dengan aktiviti, events maktab, assignments, dengan nak fly ke Perak lagi untuk Forum Bicara Siswa and the upcoming exam of course. Maybe I'll continue my writing especially novel, during the semester break. Soon baby soon.

I asked my co-pilot to help me later. Yeay, he is willing to. At the age of 20, there are lots of research or things that I have to explore in order to come out with a serious piece of writing. I have to get prepared, to run here and there, doing interviews, going to library and perhaps reading other books. From my point of view, an excellent novel is something which has contents and facts. Takmau la kita tulis dari hati semata-mata tanpa quote dari mana-mana sources untuk menyokong idea kita.

Okay, let say we want to write about a culture of specific race, we need the fact. We have to state the fact. Jadi we need to put some proof based on masyarakat sekeliling. Kan?

*Inilah padahnya kalau boring sangat assembly pada awal pagi Isnin lepas tu terus ada forum integriti. Boring tahu. Monday blues! I have nothing to say and this post ended up with these things - I just type out what my mind said. On the spot. Jadi ketunggang-langgangan bahasa, YGS etc adalah perkara biasa. Typical me.

Sekian. Doakan saya. Salam and selamat berminggu integriti diucapkan kepada warga IPG Kampus Rajang.

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