Friday, September 20, 2013

Call me Auntie!

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

I know most of us are talking about iphone ios 7 thingy but I'm not gonna talk about this ios7 because I'm not an Apple user. Trending okay! Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc suma cakap pasal ios7. Bukan tak minat tapi a bit dengki lah sebab tak tahu apa kan. :p Just a loyal Nokia user and newbie to Samsung after all. Apple is too much for me as I'm not afford to buy Apple's gadgets. Kalau Apple buah tu mampu lah saya. lols I mean for now gadget tak mampu lagi. Wihihihih

Okay cut the crap! Let's read about the thing that I really want you to know. Shall I proudly announce I'm a happy new Aunt? Hahahah. Yeah, I know I'm not really a  new auntie but I don't know why I'm too excited, over the moon, happy (same meaning) to be a new Aunt to Kak Ija's baby. I know it's too early to say so tapi kakak tinggal tunggu masa nak deliver, so boleh lah announce. Nanti baby dah keluar baru update lagi lah eh? lols

Paternal side memang saya dah jadi Aunt. Can you imagine that the eldest nephew is 18 years old now? Haa, tak baru lagi dah kan? Tapi since I rapat dengan F's sister, haruslah I happy sangat-sangat dengan her newborn baby. Kalau kakak sendiri (Along) dah kahwin and dapat anak lagilah saya happy kan? Wahhh, lambat lagi rasanya si kakak bak kata dirinya sendiri. Anyway, jodoh di tangan Allah.

So people, saya kan a happy Aunt, so I admit that I'm a bit busybody lah. Umm don't care! Hahahaha. I told F, this baby is going to be my favourite nephew / niece. F dah jadi Pakcik lah! He insisted to call himself "Uncle Amie" later because the "Pakcik" is quite old. But I like to call him Pakcik sekarang. Bagi dia sedar sikit dia sebenarnya dah tua. *kejam

I knew from F just now that Kakak went to see the doctor earlier today. The doctor told her that the baby is a boy after being "scanned" by the doctor. Hmm, I'm a bit frustrated because I do hope that the baby is a girl. Even F guess that the baby is a girl. Tapi semua tu kan kerja Allah. Kakak leave a message in the Fb and told me about the baby's sex. Hahahah

Dengan kejamnya saya reply, jimat lah duit sebab kalau barang baby lelaki, agak terhad kan. I know it's early to call me a mummy. Mummy-wanna-be perhaps. Tapi saya suka tengok barang-barang baby. Kalau nak beli pun untuk cousins untuk anak kawan. Best tahu tak perasaan itu! Tengok cute little angel pakai barang yang kita bagi. Touching jap!

F and I planning to give something to the baby later. So, in sha Allah, after kakak lahirkan baby, I will show the "something" here. And the baby of course! Suddenly I feel appreciated pasal kakak tanya my suggestion about the names. Here I come, macam nak bagi nama pelik-pelik tapi takda makna tak best kan? So kalau lelaki, seriously, I only have for my own future boys! Nama memang diminat dan disimpan sejak sekian lama untuk sendiri. Kalau baby girls, Auntie Fateen adalah banyak suggestion. Lols. Yeah, due to my interest dominant ke arah baby girl, that is why I know all about baby girls. Pakaian, style, names etc you can ask me. If boy, perhaps F can help. Tu pun macam takleh caya kan? Hahahaha. F ni blur sometimes so takleh minta pendapat dia lah. :p

I checked a few websites about baby supplies tau. I told F that I want all the things and of course lah F yang bayar. Hahahahaha. I tolong pilih + F tolong bayar = perfect present!

Till then. XOXO. Can't wait to be called as Auntie F! Aunt F and Uncle F = Baby F. Hahah. I got an idea of the baby's name. Starts with F as well so that I can call him Baby F. F jelly sebab the initial F is taken by his first nephew. :)

Assalamualaikum and have a great day ahead dear aunts and uncles!

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