Monday, February 18, 2013

The Valentine's day for the Leputans!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Since last year some of us, excluding me i think, celebrated Valentine eating Maggie secara berjemaah at Mar's room, this year we couldn't make it as Valentine's day was during our holidays. So, all of us have different story for our Valentine's Day. I memang completely lupa masa tarikh 14 haribulan haritu. Dahla ada 2 2 cousins punya birthday pun lupa nak wish! Apa punya cousin la saya ni, lol. By the way, happy birthday Hakimis. Yeap, both my cousins are coincidentally have the same name. Sorang cousin belah mak and the other is from bapak. Mungkin lelaki yang lahir pada 14 Februari ni nama dia Hakimi kot. Anyone else?:p

Anyhow, saya tak sambut valentine tu. Literally! Not that too offensive, cuma ada tarikh yang lebih bermakna dari tarikh 14 tu which was the previous day. 13th of February 2013. Tarikh tu adalah tarikh yang ke 2 tahun 11 bulan hubungan saya dengan si McDreamy. So the next day nya, i don't celebrate nor wish kat sapa-sapa. 

Ting the nyawa, celebrated her Valentine at the library in Miri there katanyee. dating ngan Ibn Khaldun nak?hehehe. Shasha the roomie, spending time kat rumah macam biasa and online-ing etc. Ironic kan kami? Mar is the luckiest person during that day, she told that her dad gave her some chocs. Sweet kan? Dah tu dia cakap her mom dapat flowers from her dad! Ika pulak dapat wish daripada Eitha untuk It's not that they are les or musahaqah. Bukan okay, it's just a way to show or express their feeling in freindship. Ashna pulak celebrating the valentine with her nanny. Nek Nah! ihiks. Lor and Nora? Maybe with their hubby la celebrating macam orang lain. Perhaps?

Like madam Anne told us in class just now. And yeah, different people have different styles. So, for me personally, I don't expect people to be like me, following my way of surviving and accepting things. There are some things that I will not accept like what some do. So I understand and would never ever fire them for not accepting things like I do. So do dik nemu nama di jakuk ku? For instance, some people akan clebrate benda ni. Tapi haruslah diingatkan bahawasanya, niat tidak menghalalkan cara. Others may think differently. Kita hidup dalam negara yang penuh dengan sensitivity awareness. Sometimes your personal views are offensive for some people. Like me, I don't care what you say because you have your own right.Am I right Madam? lol

p/s: Perlu tambah general knowledge dalam semua aspek. Kalaupun awak tu orang biasa, awak kena tahu jugak tentang pros and cons sesuatu perkara macam sambutan ni. For me, i don't care. You can think what is right and what is wrong. Tak perlu orang nak tegur. Tu lah guna "kepala otak" bak kata madam. Alah, madam lagi. I love you Madam. Muehehehe. Taknak confess depan-depan!

Till then, assalamualaikum and have a blast! The stress is coming. In love with Ibn Khaldun!

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