Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bushu Bushuk Bushukku!

Salamun salam and a very good days.. Just now, ye just now! Takkan tak caya? Hahaha. I have a very meaningful conversation with my Mr. Love. He came over my house just to do programming-thingy with the new notebook. lol. Perlu kah cakap? Macam tak kan? ihiks . :p

Bak kata orang, sambil menyelam minum air (air yang dihidang pun air So, while waiting for the notebook to be updated, both of us have a very good things to talk. Well, about our relationship and things around us. Takla mengumpat makhluk sekeliling cuma bercakap pasal isu semasa makhluk sekeliling. Huh?

I think moral of the conversation is, I should think before I do. I think, I should think more than twice or even trice. Kalau frice ada, I should think frice which means 4 times! lol again. Memang I hormati the way he gives his opinion based on some sort of things yang kami cakapkan. o today dia telah menyedarkan saya tentang beberapa perkara. Perkara tersebut tak usah dicakapkan lagi lah since tangan malas nak menaip.

till then, night and Assalamualikum. Doakan perjalanan saya ke maktab esok okay. Hugs awaks! Pardon my typo sebab malas nak check. So mohon maaf kalian semua. Weehee :)

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