Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Phobia Si Sindarella..

Salamun salam and a very good days.. one thing for sure is I hate lizard a.k.a cicak very much. You know how much. Theeeeeeeeeesssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee much babe! Few nights ago, which I'm not sure of which night, when I was about to shut the window after throwing my chewing gum, I felt very ticklish that I saw that thingy crawled in front of me. Then to my shirt. Ya Allah, I on't know how to express my feeling during that time. All I can do was shouting and shouting while my hand like fondan that expected the lizard to let go from my shirt. I ran and ran inside the house. Until then, the lizard fell down. What else I can do selain daripada tercungap-cungap cari nafas kan? lol. Poor me. Then, I went to the kitchen and told my mother. Makk, she said "Ewwwwwwwwwwwww".

Aku masuk kat ruang tamu balik dan teruskan kerja melipat baju. Dengan tangan yang seram sejuk lipat dan terus melipat baju.

Moral of the story, I hate lizard damn much. Macam orang perasan dia orang bandar aku masa tu sebab geli geleman dengan binatang tu. Harap-harap rumah aku ada satu benda istimewa yang tak ada cicak di rumah. Lepas tu, binatang ni macam berak merata tau. Nak sedia dorang jamban khas macam melampau pulak. Nanti banyak pulak population dia kat rumah aku. 

Hari ini aku lap lantai dapor yang macam berpasir sangat. Sakit hari bila ulang mop tempat yang sama. Macam didera padahal takda pun orang paksa aku buat kerja. Oh, aku jugak fobia dengan tikus. Yeah, mouse, mice but not hamster. Bye all. Assalamualaikum and Wallahualam. Get well soon Mohd Fahmi. I pray for you.


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