Monday, July 14, 2014

My weekends

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

How was your puasa so far? Well, it looks unfair to post about my writing and about random things and about F minus me. I guess this is the time I should make a comeback lol of my own life like those days' posts. HAHAHAHA. *flipping hair*

Not to be soo good and to forget about our brothers and sisters in Gaza, keep praying and even some of us might not be able to help them in a huge quantity but don't ever forget to mention them in our prayers. A simple help means the whole world to them. Plus in this holy month of Ramadhan, we can make good deeds as much as we can. There are tons of ways that we can use. Like giving money, volunteering, clothes etc.

As a student, we can have an event for the donation. Kutipan Derma. Our campus did that last Friday Alhamdulillah. And again, in our prayers, our continuous du'a help them too. And if you can't find any trusted account for donation, you can send the small donation (especially student) to this,

Type PALESTIN <space>10
(for 1 / 3 / 5 / 10) in Ringgit Malaysia 
and send to 39111 
This is a reminder to myself and all of us. Spread the words, loves. May Allah bless us all and ease our good deeds in sha Allah. 

Okay, last week I went back to kampung and for the first time since 3 years after I stay in this campus, 2 years after my sister moved to Bintulu and 1 year after my little not so little brother, Fuad studies in Mukah, finally we planned a short yet memorable weekend gateway to kampung. And my sister and A fetched me after fetching Fuad. (When we stopped at the gas station, Fuad complained about his long wait at RnR during puasa. 2 hours sitting and watching people eat and drink is a huge challenge. Mind you, those people are non so they're not wrong for eating.)

So on our way to kampung, we were recalling our childhood memories while taking pictures using Along's monopod! Jakun and sakai gilos I sebab tak pernah ber-monopod! LOLOLOL. I have an issue with monopod because I'll call these selfie people as sakai. HAHAHA Sorry. No more calling you guys sakai after this. Promise!

Actually, I'm mix chinese and arab. My Dad is partially Sabahan Chinese and Mom is Sharifah. Arwah Atok mix Arab so idk why Fuad looks gelap. I called him Tambi everytime we gaduh. But that day,  he slept on my lap. His head laa... so manja even he's a big boy and has another 3 adik after him. Haih.. Hahahaha. 

If you see my siblings, we look different in our skin colour but our face look slightly the same. Me and my sister are twin. People say eventho we are 2 years different in age. As for me and Fuad, we have similar smile. (refer to the above picture). Effa looks like a chinese with mata arab. Mukhriz looks chinese a bit and Irfan looks like Fuad sebab dia suka berjemur. Hahahahaha. Mom has browinsh hazel eyes. And Fuad, Effa and Mukhriz got them. While me? I still find, which part of me resembles my parents. LOL. Once, my dad's friend told me that i look like my Dad. But only this uncle told me then tak ada pulak orang lain. Hahaha. 

I LOOK LIKE MYSELF (nak sedapkan hati konon)

And uhh, last Saturday (semalam je punggg) me and my ladies went to my lecturer's house to have our iftar together. It's a wrap. And since we are all crazy, this is it!
Yang tudung roboh dekat depan tu, its me! HAHAHAHA 
And the beautiful indian couple behind us- my lecturer and her husband. And the ladies seems to be so jealous seeing uncle with me. When I asked uncle everything, he simply said yes while the other.... hahahahah

I ask for remote control. Yes
I ajak eat the friuts. Yes.
Can I change the channel. Yes.
Can I take a photo with you. Yes.
Are you okay with Hitz. Yes
can I play the game. Yes.
Can I sit beside you (in the living room on the super comfortable couch). Yes.

These two stories are my weekend stories thus the title above is so. Back on weekdays, uhhh, it is just a hectic life. But I feel thankful as I can still call my parents. And my upcoming project is flying back to Ipoh and in sha Allah to KL too. In sha Allah. Why? Studies purposes. 
My TESL family after our musical night. Find me? HAHAHA

Before you get more annoying, here's my bureau's group photo.

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