Friday, November 1, 2013

Introducing....... little Am!

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

Still remember last time I told you that F's sister and her husband will have their first baby? And F will be an uncle? Even this story is a bit basi but I still wanna share it. Memanglah I over eksaiteddd! *wink wink*

So, I often ask F or his sister to send me the baby's photos and yesterday, his sister sent me lots of photos. (macam geram sebab I always ask for the photo. ekekekeke) Never mind, as long as I still got them. LOLOLOL

Semalam we were video calling through skype and for the first time I saw the baby. Errr, literally live lah kan since the video are moving. Unfortunately, the baby pulak tidur. His Mama keeps on calling him tapi dia tidur. Takda rezeki pulak! Oh, lupa nak cakap, his name is Muhammad Luqman Amsyar. Ehem, nama Amsyar tu Aunty F bagi. Bangga? Haruslaaaa. :)

"Malu lah orang tengok!" - Cheeky Am :p
Aunty rasalah kan Am, Am suka mendagu lah! 
And this really makes my day. Can't stop smiling. Muka Uncle dah macam muka bapak beranak 7! So why Seven? Because CR7. :p
See! Aunty keeps on giggling while on Skype. But Am-------

So, Dedek told me after habis skype, Am terus bangun! Frust menonggeng. Okay baby, can't wait to see you, hug you and bite you. Kirim salam pipi. Kunyah mesti best! HAHAHAHAHA

Till then, XOXO. Next next next entry probably- Am and his toys! :P

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