Monday, June 24, 2013

Catch a glimpse of the Hero!

Salamun salam and a very goozd days..this is probably a glimpse on the story. I try my best to not make it as a typical story. Enjoy!

 "The first time I approached you, I was dared by my friend. I never trust stranger but that brief conversation had made me give you a little trust. We started to text & only for 2 weeks. We made up our mind. Started a new relationship for almost 2 months then we arranged for our first date.

You've been changing me a lot. From a girl who always shows her temper, anger, cursing and doesn't know how to behave like a good angel, she started to change a bit.

Thanks honey, for always be by my side through my up and down. Through the joy and tears. Stay by my side. Remember, where ever I go, I'll bring you along with me here, in my heart!"

*I started with the plot and write the full version up to chapter 2 already. Bear with me people. before waiting for this, how about Mama Mia Shaza by Sarawakian. Here's the link. (click here) Seriously, the love is in the air. XOXO

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