Salamun salam and a very good days.. People, I don't really know how to express my feeling towards people like exactly what my heart feels but now let give some times to read this precious post ever! Yeah, Hers in my life referred to the girls or women whose important in my life. (sorry for the weird sound of the sentence yaa) They shine my life, always there for me whenever I need them and protects me from anything. The most important is I love them and they can understand me more than my expectation. Tak rugi aku update pasal mende ini. InsyaAllah :)
First Her : Sharifah Saftuyah binti Wan Abdul Rahman
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I did upload this photo for my previous post though. Me and Mak at Miri last June. |
She is my Mak. Well people, sometimes if we want to talk about our mother to others, it is nothing such a long post to say. Bukan sebab malas or tak tahu nak describe but come on, all of us know who our mom is and what are their sacrifices. Mak is a full-time housewife and like other typical malays women did, she does the chores and taking care of the children and the Hubby of course. :) Mak is such a brilliant and the best mom in the world as she cares a lot until she did not care with her own needs. My Mak is not comes from privileged family but she never takes things for granted. She knew what she had been through and always advise us to change our lives. Study and be somebody who is beneficial to others. Like everyday, she did the best for us in order to make the family happy and live a comfortable life. I love my mom and please mark my words. I will send both my Mak and Bapak for Umrah and Hajj. InsyaAllah, Allah will fulfill his servant's prayer. Amin :')
Second Her : Sarbanun Binti Said
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Shopping with Nenek long time ago. Muehehe |
She is my Nenek. I know all of my cousins even my siblings know that I am cucu kesayangan nenek. That is why sometimes these people got annoyed and angry with me. It is obvious to see that Nenek is willing to do anything just to protects me and prevents from being scolded when I make a mistake. I know you might feel it is kind of bias. Well not kinda but exactly it is BIAS. I realized Nenek loves me more than others after I had been with her from Form 1 where during that time, I stayed at the boarding school and when I stayed out I slept bawah ketiak Nenek. Hahaha. Sound funny but that's the fact. I also prayed that Nenek will enjoy the happiness in the world and the world-after with my results and I will send her to perform Umrah and Hajj as well. Pray for my success in teaching profession as I will make people in my life happy. :')
Third Her : Kong Siaw Ting
The BABY-ies of the MIE-s |
Every girl like to take photo in front of the mirror especially in the toilet. Agree? |
She is my Nyawa and my bestie ever. I know, people seems like do not that easy when we stick with each other. Perhaps but hopefully not laa since we are not disturbing others yet bothering others' affair which I understand the affair I mean is a special friendship. We do be friends with other people like Nak Leput and Teacher-houswife bestfriends but trust me, among all your bestfriends there will be only ONE person that you trust most and share your privacy with. Well, since she gave me a higher compliment, so now, I state my compliment towards her to the entire world. Hahahaha. Say-well. She's just like me or I can say that there's part of me inside her. Like, when I see her, I can see my own shadow. :p Even we are not 24 hours 7 days stick with each other but there will be a time we will be together. Sharing our stories, life, foods, musics and lots more. Even we face the obstacles in our daily lives here together. We cry, we laugh and even we enjoy our moment together. I personally, love her. Sound lesbian!! But, I swear, she is the best best bestie ever. I hope we will teach each other about life and insyaAllah she will be following our path. May Allah expedite the processing. Amin Ya Rabb. :') I even can't say what my heart feel into words. May our friendship last forever. JazakAllah for giving me a new member in my family.
Forth Her : Nurul Syafika binti Kamarudin
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Prettier than me? Sweeter than her? :p |
She is my eldest sister, Along. We used to argued, quarrelled, tarik-tarik rambut, sepak-sepak, mandi sama, sleep together, shopping, watch movies and so on. So what do you aspect then? Lots of people thought that we are twin as when we were young, Mak always gave us same dress and our face are almost the same even we knew that we are not the same at all. Now she is working at SME Bank, Miri. Alhamdulillah, after being so much patient waiting for a permanent work. Due to both own business (me : study, along : working) we don't have much time to hang out like before but we still argue like before. :) Muehehe. Trust me, our "dispute" will not end until my Mak stopped us. Shuppid moment isn't it? I miss that. Now, after she got her work, she gave me money and bought me things. (mengampu) I'm glad to have my sis. I love you Rakkkk.
Fifth Her : Sharifah Majenah binti Wan Abdul Rahman
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You look young Bu. :) |
She is my aunt and my Mummy angkat. She looked after me when I was staying at the hostel. When I was a child, she always bought anything for me and Along and Fuad as well. She is single and she sacrifices a lot for me. When I was staying at the hostel, every week she will send me foods and things that I need. I promised her that I'll bring her to go for vacation after I receiving my salary later. Well, later means after I work as a teacher. InsyaAllah. :) Mummy works as an attendant at the hospital. We always go out for shopping and buying the groceries. Mummy loves to cook and I really like her Tom Yam very much. It's scrumptious. I love you Ibu. You are the great Ibu of all! :) May Allah bless you.
The sequences of the hers as you can see above are not based on who I love the most. I love all of them and of course my family too. Family is my priority. Friends as well. Fahmi? He is my would-be-husband. <---mengampu supaya dapat hadiah birthday. :D Takdela. Kata-kata itu doalah awak! Saya serious tau. Thanks for reading and Assalamualaikum kalian. Wallahuaklam.
1 comment:
hahaha! syuk kmk baca lowk. Jaga ktk. . bhsa pun dh kdak kmk.. Seriously, trust me. . Smua dh kuar. haha! thanks deng! Love you more. <3
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