Friday, October 24, 2014

Hashtag 2: 20 Facts About Me

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

So, there's a viral in Instagram in case you don't know. I am fully aware of being a full-time ignorant and outdated person. But.. let me make a crystal clear statement here, it is not wrong to tell about you to the world by the way. Sometimes and not all the time. Aisehmen! This is totally a 10 marks introduction. (Take note cikgu-cikgu yang membaca) :p

Kasi chann laa kan? I always talk about my writing, random stuffs, and Abang Mie Maggi. So, now if you still wanna read and know that 20 shocking-not-so-shocking facts about me, then keep calm and read until the last word. 

Mind you, actually this #20FactsAboutMe is a bit basi already and I was tagged by one or two people to write about me long long time ago, so I only manage and remember to write about this now. I wonder, what are the things that people wanna know about me..or kesah kah mereka? Woots! Anyhow, this is just for fun, I swear. I'm not trying to show off the konon-konon facts about me. Sharing is loving and dalam Bahasa Melayunya, we call it, tak kenal maka tak cinta. Lepas baca, mana tahu awak terjatuh cinta? LOL terasa mual tekak kalian bukan? :p

So lets reveal the 20 facts about the author of SII. (So perasan)

Fact 1
I have the same weight since 2010. Means, I never gain any KG. Guess my weight? And of course my BMI isn't normal.

Fact 2
I am not a kpop lover. I don't watch Runningman (as I mentioned previously), I don't listen to kpop songs and I don't even give a chance to myself to watch any Korean dramas. I don't hate any kpop lovers and I still can tolerate if my friends show me the kpop videos or some funny scenes in Runningman (usually Shasha hahahaha). Lets see if I start watching Runningman in the future but actually, I pray to not falling in love with Runningman. I might waste my time watching the old episodes which my friends had already watched. 

Fact 3
Even I'm a TESL student, I don't read English books. I prefer novel Melayu. But in April 2014, there's a miracle happen and I started reading English books ever since. And the shocking fact here is, I read almost 20 English novels from April-September 2014. Either the physical solid books, e-book, pdf or words document. (pdf and word are downloaded from the internet. Physical solid real books memang beli kat bookstores lah.) And since then, hanya satu novel Melayu yang saya beli, the rest are all English novels. Barulah nampak sikit Cikgu English kot. Hehehehe.

Fact 4
I can't swim. Being a village girl whose both parents are originally from the same village isn't the reason for you to know how to swim. Even both my parents know how to swim, I still don't know how to swim. I drowned twice! I do really want to swim but I lost my confidence when I meet this thing call water. In my campus we do have swimming pool and I always pretend that I am swimming padahal I'm at the kids area. Boo!

Fact 5
I started to write since Year 5. I wrote poems (Hahaha) and cerpen back then. And getting serious in writing since I publish Sabar Itu Indah Part 1 last year. Even though I'm not publishing this e-novel, but I hope one day I can be an author too. I am looking forward to write more articles about random stuff and maybe publishing the article in a magazine, newspaper, official website or whatevs. Who knows rezeki tak dapat buat buku sendiri jadi penulis sambilan pun syukurrrrr :)

Fact 6
Despite being a loser because I can't swim, I really wanna do extreme activities like wall climbing and wall climbing. ONLY. Seriously! Aktiviti darat I can tolerate but not aktiviti air. But.. F takkan benarkan!! He's so paranoid. Duhh -..-

Fact 7
I'm not really staying at home. I'm grounded at home during holidays only. Literally. I was staying at the hostel since Primary 6 and Form 1 until Form 5 grounded at boarding school. Then I joined National Service for three months, 2 months working away from home, and now here I am, staying 24/7 in my campus. That's why I feel blessed when I'm at home. I treasure every second I spend with my family during the holidays.

Fact 8
Shortest fact that maybe you wanna know as well. 8 is my favourite number, my jersey number and the month of my birthday. Hehehehe. 8 is Kaka's jersey number. (Brazil footballer)

Fact 9
I'm a bagaholic and a footwear freak! I love every type of bags and footwear. Saya memang kumpul beg dan footwear ada macam-macam. Not a shopaholic tapi kalau ada duit lebih memang suka beli beg atau footwear. Sekarang kurang lah sebab duit selalu tak sampai untuk menyimpang ke situ. Kesian :(

Fact 10
I have a minor OCD problem. I recommend you to read more about OCD in Google because I'm not going to explain to you. Hahahaha. I am not well-organized but I can't stand seeing things tak terletak pada tempatnya. Contoh, cushion berterabur kat depan TV (my brothers always do this) buat saya rasa annoying habis, padahal cushion tu patutnya letak kat kerusi. Dah pakai bila baring, pandai-pandailah susun balik kan? Another contoh, barang dalam drawer dahlah berselerak pastu tak tutup drawer lepas ambik barang. Memang macam tak senang mata tengok.

Fact 11
Being a girl, everybody wanna wear inai/ henna but not me! I'm boring, I know but I'm sorry to tell you this or maybe some of you might feel offended when I say this, I feel geli looking at my hands if I wear those thing. I can accept anyone who wears henna (look so gorgeous) but personally for myself, I will definitely say NO. How about masa kahwin? Lets pray that I can wear a temporary inai which will vanish the next day when I wake up after the ceremony. Oh luckily, F also don't like seeing me wearing henna padahal memang tak pernah pakai pun. :D

Fact 12
Being a girl, everybody have a lot of dolls or bears but not me. I do have like 2 or 3 bears but I don't use them. I don't hug teddy bear or whatevs in my sleep because I have two bantal busuks which smell good rather than sneezing while hugging the bear with the annoying fur. Hahaha. And mind you, the biggest patung I have is Stitch (Lilo&Stitch) that F gave me during my 17th birthday, is on my cupboard and it is in the plastic. First birthday celebration with F and I think he thinks I love bears/dolls like other girls do but nahhh, it's on my cupboard F. Maybe you should give that Stitch to your daughter later. :p

Fact 13
Growing up years are all about playing tingting, main kejar-kejar, main air pasang depan rumah and my parents are very strict dan kami tak dibiasakan dengan tengok cartoon. Hence, I don't watch cartoon during my childhood and sekarang kalau suruh saya tengok cartoon, saya akan pening sebab tak biasa. Boleh lah tengok satu dua tapi tak mungkin nak cartoon marathon sepanjang hari. I don't really watch TV back then, patutlah sekarang kalau tengok TV memang boleh hangus nasik. LOL

Fact 14
Even though I'm not watching any cartoon, but I do know the mainstream cartoon characters. And I like Lilo & Stitch and Caspanian Devil. Barbie? Too mainstream guys. And I like watching Tarzan and Casper too. Dah besar baru ada tengok cartoon sikit-sikit. :)

Fact 15
I don't like everything that deals with cloth. Basuh baju, sidai baju, lipat baju dan kemas baju. Semua saya tak minat tapi sebagai perempuan, kita kena buat. And it take hours to fold all the clothes. Hahahaha. I wish there will be someone who will invent a mashine which can do all those things that relate with clothes or maybe I should put an extra criteria in finding a husband, who is capable of doing everything that relates with clothes. F, please take note!

Fact 16
Talking about feelings, I am very sensitive and very very hot-tempered! Yes, I am friendly and you can see me laugh at times, but when you caught me pissed off, you are a few seconds to trouble. You can never imagine what I'm capable of when I'm angry. Sometimes, I don't even know what I'm saying and I always end up doing a bad decision when I'm pissed. Go ask F if you don't trust me. But when I'm okay, I'll cry. Like a baby wanna have a milk. You see, the first 30 minutes is for me to piss off, and the next 30 minutes is for me to cry. My pattern of having a fight I guess. Perempuan kan? Hahaha. PMS lain cerita lah :p

Fact 17
My favourite subjects when I was in school are Physics, Add Math, Modern Math and History but I end up being a future English teacher. How ironic right? Kuasa Tuhan. Dulu tak minat sangat English sebab cikgu English semua strict and garang-garang. Macam mana saya nanti? Watch out haaa. :p

Fact 18
Most of the time, I'm practically deaf. I always put the earphone in my ears. Most of the time even in my sleep. This is totally a bad habit but I'm used to this. Most of the time, when people want to talk to me, they have to wave at me and then I'll take off the earphone. Even if you're shouting in front of me, I couldn't hear you. So you better slap me on my back or wave me when you're in front of me. That would be my cue when you wanna talk to me. My mom always scold me because of this. ;p

Fact 19

Fact 20
Actually there are lot more I can tell you about myself, but this number 20, I keep for your upcoming questions and I keep this number to Fact 20.001, Fact 20.002 until Fact. 20.99 because once you wanna know, I'll be answering your questions. Deal? Ask me anything.

So I promise to myself that I won't share any boring fact here so I decided to write the fresh and ummm.. let say it is kind of extraordinary facts? So yeah, those are 19 + 1 Facts about Nurul Fatin. Now tell me about yours in the comment box below or ask me anything about the 20th fact perhaps?

p/s: sorry for the mix languages. :p

Yours sincerely,

Nurul Fatin Kamarudin

(Official Author of SII)



Anonymous said...

Assalammualaikum fatin. Mana si f seorg lgi. Huhu geram juga nk tgk f tu komen ape yg fatin publish ni.

Sii (s/a)

Anonymous said...

Salam kakak pateng. Kami geng sii yg dr johor ni. Herm kami nk spm x lama lagi kakak. Doakan kerjayaan kami. Kami rindu kakak n abang. Btw suruh abang f buat 20fact tu pulak kami nak tgk ape yg dia ade huhu. Cepat reply kakak. Kami tunggu. Rindu :(

Fateen Kamarudin said...

Waalaikumsalam semua. Ya Allah geramnyaaa dengan line internet sini dari tadi slow ya rabbi.

So kesayangan saya semua. In sha Allah kita sama sama tuggu apakah agaknya 20 facts about Mohd Fahmi nanti. Ya Allah laggggg nya nak oublish comment. Sorry lambat reply khas buat adik adik SII Johor. Btw, good luck tau. Nanti Kak Pateng datang Johor kalau ada rezeki panjangu mur. Takpun semua team SII Johor dan Shah Alam dtg Sarawak ;) Sayanggg semua! :*