Assalamualaikum and Hi!
Oh, just so you know, I'm currently blogwalking in the library. And you know, I don't deserve to be called as a geek or nerd who wears a huge spectacle, reading book at one of the corner in the library. Nope, I don't deserve that. Don't you dare to call me that! HAHAHA. Because, you knew that I am now reading blog and ended up with updating my own blog. Cheese!
Well Fatin, you know TESL isn't an easy course so you still wanna play peek-a-boo with those books on your table? Hikhok! Let's assume that I've read the module given by the lecturer and kasi chan laaa, because tonight I'll continue with those things that I left behind. Can aa? Kasi channn laaa.. HAHAHAHAHA. (I think you know my new favourite phrase already. Aren't ya? Lol)
Last week, I went back. And it is a must for me to at least hang out for once with F. (and it turns out to be everyday) And you know what, no matter how broke or rich I am during whatever time it is, eating is a MUST. Not to forget, I love shopping, - well literally shopping like window shopping and browsing any shopping websites and cry because I couldn't afford any of those things. But.. eating whatevs is just the best feeling ever. I prefer eating than shopping (This fact is only valid during my broke phase)
At the very first place, I don't know that I'm this kind of person until your Abang Mieeee told me.
"The minute you enter the car, I saw food everywhere besides you."
And this..
"Yes baby, what food you want now? You're craving for eastern or western or snacks or waffle or sweet corn? Banana Cheese perhaps? Pizza? "
And there was me, just sit in the car, making myself confortable and locking the door, then staring at him.. Giving him my wide smile and grin. (Ambik hati part) While tapping my chin, thinking of which food I want to eat first.. hehe
"Lets go to Kampung Nombor first!" and off we go to get Banana Cheese from a stall of Pakcik Banana. Ngehehehe.
Maybe, for some girls, they will give that vampire look if their friends, boypreng, or family told them about those two things that F mentioned me. Maybe, it sounds ridicule and sarcastic because, oh man, isn't that the cue for your friend / boypreng / family to tell you that you're getting bigger. And you're a giant eater.
Because you're eating like an oink oink (Well my lecturer once told us in the class, she eats like a p*g everytime she goes back home. Haha)
You can see me, I mean my actual size from any of my photos in my blog or wherever places which suspected to have my innocent face. (Yes, you wanna slap me for telling you that my face are everywhere. But it's true, my faces are everywhere in my social medias' acc and that includes F's latest Facebook profile photo. Ngahahaha)
I eat so much that I have to go to the toilet few times a day. Okay, that's the ultimate secret of how I maintain my weight to be such a "slim river" forever. Gahhhhh! It's either poop or puke! Sounds ewww but let's face it together peeps!
Or another tips is of all 4/4 parts of your food, you must eat 1/4 of the food and let whoever person who is with you to finish the other 3/4 parts of the food. Mathematical reason! LOL
Because in my case, F told me earlier this day that he is gaining up to 3kg from whatever his previous weight. HAHAHA
"You just got back for your weekend, and I've gained 3 kg."
And with my innocent-slumber-poyo face, I replied,
"Well, I love you then I just give you food to show my love. We share our food. That sweet by the way."
I added some more,
"...this is really a good sign for you to start doing your workout and continue with your gym session."
Am I motivating him? Well I think so. Hahahah
And the worst part is, F knows the sign of my hunger games.
"By the time you masuk kereta.. you'll ask me to buy this and that.. you wanna go to this place because you wanna eat this thing.."
Well, he's not complaining okay! He's telling! HAHAHAHA
Because I like him since 50 months ago and many many months to go, I hereby list A FEW food that I'm craved for.
- banana cheese
- crispy waffle with choc flavour
- sweet corn
- nasi goreng cornbeef
- mcflurry oreo
- double cheese burger
- Fahmi version of Milo Tabur
- Fahmi version of Ikan Bawal masak Sos
And the list goes on...
And I'm looking forward to eat the food on the last two bullets. And I'll cook spaghetti for you as the reward. Okay sayang?
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