Friday, April 25, 2014

False alarm!

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

Yesterday I was making fun (okay, my friends gonna kill me for this statement) in my own Instagram account.  I was uploading a photo of gorgeous dress with a catchy caption. Hehehehehe

The photo is Here!


And there you go, my friends were commenting on the photo by asking me questions like are-you-getting-married-soon-thingy? 

The answer is : In sha Allah. Soon.

Speaking of In sha Allah, soon, it has a very deep meaning. Because, soon here means anytime in the fututre which you, me and us do not know. But Allah knows. Well, kita merancang tapi Tuhan yang menentukan. Correct me if I'm wrong, people. :)

Yeah, I know, some might-- questioning about the caption. Okay, if you're unable to view the photo and look at the caption, let me copy it here.

"Anda dijemput.. 
May Allah ease my journey. 

First of all, I love being a literature person as I can write everything that might bring another meaning. Or we, Literatute person know it as "Ambiguity". The sentence or phrase that have double meaning. Same goes to the caption in the photo.

Actually, what I mean is...... 

"Anda dijemput untuk like dan menziarahi  (sorry, I couldn't find the suitable vocabulary in BM. Pardon me!) page saya yang dah lama dibiarkan sejak zaman purbakala. Hashtag sneak peak tu bukan sneak peak dress wedding of the year Fateen Kamarudin ya! Sneak peak untuk latest dress baju-baju dan yang sewaktu dengannya. May Allah ease my journey ni maksudnya, semoga Allah memudahkan segala urusan saya nak carik duit lebih dalam business. cehhh (padahal takdok duit ponggg). Tu jeeee"

Mind you, I did told you that I am an entrepreneur also last time. Brand cap ayam because I'm such a chipsmore. Hahahaha. Biasalah orang melayu macam saya ni meniaga! lols

Anyways, I'm so so so sorry to Farah and Ctnoe that I left you with the question marks in your head but I promise you, when the time comes, I will let the whole world know alright? *over*

Not to forget, my friends here also asked me the same question. Hehehehe. Sorry guys. Not my fault. :p

Well, sapa taknak kahwin kan? Saya pun nak! Cuma nak tunggu sponsor lagi ni. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Esok ada kelas. Esok buat kerja berat. Esok adalah another hectic and pathetic day. Boring! I miss writing. 

Night fellas. I love you to bits! xx 


Unknown said...

Salam kakak. Kami rindu kakak. Boleh x kami chat dgn abg fahmie kalau kakak tgh busy.

Fateen Kamarudin said...

Wasalam. boleh je adik2. asalkan abg mie nak. hehe. sorry akak busy sangat. tak dapat nak selalu chat kat hangout. :(

Unknown said...

boleh x kakak beri email abang fahmie. Kita tunggu ni kak.

Fateen Kamarudin said...

Guna je akak punya acc. Nanti abg mie akan access. sorry tak dapat bagi email dia sebab abg mie tgh terima email penting sekarang ni adik-adik. :)) Nanti akak bagi dia access hangout akak.