Assalamualaikum and Hi!
I know you're just sick hearing sorry from me because I keep on postponing my E-Novel's update everytime I go for my daily routine updates here. Well, like it or not, I still wanna say sorry. Because personally, saying sorry is a good habit that we should practise. I'm not pretending that I'm good but I think I'm good enough. LOL. Sounds cocky huh? *flipping hair*
Okay loves, back to business! (Obviously it refers to the title above)
Few days ago, (I couldn't remember the exact day) my dad sent me a message which totally made me die for a sec. Okay, this is ridiculous but I mean it! I think, if I have a heart problem, sure kena strok on the spot. Hahahahaha.
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From my OWN dad! |
Okay, my first impression right after I read this message is, I just wanna faint. Seriously I am super shock! I'm asking myself, "Am I adopted? Then, why people always said that me and Along are twin?" and you know, the drama starts! Hahahaha. At some points, I just wanna cry out out! Then after my dad replied me, then I feel alive again. LOLOLOLOL.
Here's the story, when I was a little girl, still a cry baby 20 years ago (seriously I feel old), my cousin take care of me when my mom is busy running here and there doing the chores as a full-time housewife and of course my dad is working. There's come my cousin whose my dad claimed as my DADDY as well. Apparently, the whole family say so - My cousin, Abg Lyas, is my DADDY. Because did everything for me back then. Now he is a father of 3 kids. And the family always ask me to take care of his kids like what he did previously. Hahaha.
So, I was so relieved that I started to laugh and laugh and laugh and I feel like I was pranked by my own dad. How come he suddenly told me like that? (Refer to the first message) Yalah kan, dah masuk 21 tahun hidup, suddenly your own Dad sent you a message which obviously sounds like you have another Dad or in other words, you are adopted? Mesti jatuh jantung sebab terkejut sangat. Bila dah di explain tu baru rasa lega dan boleh ambik jantung yang jatuh tadi and gantung balik. LOL
So another moment is..
When I complained to F (remember in my last last post, F is my version of SUHAKAM) about sakit here and there and I was dreadfully exhausted because I have a lot of works to do (So this is the excuse for not updateing Part 8. Hehehe). Lately, we seldom have time together like texting and calling. Of course we can't meet each other like other couple do because he is now at Kuching while I'm in my campus. But, it doesn't matter. :)
So late night while I still busy with my works or blogwalking or reading news (that includes the news about the missing airplane), we text with each other la. Imagine, in the middle of the night, you asked your boypreng dah makan? Apa khabar? Hows your day? etc etc. Well, this is the only time that I manage to ask him dah makan ke belum etc sebab the whole day I just text him when there's any important thing to ask or to tell only. TENGAH malam tanya dah makan belum? Yes, I'm not joking but that's the fact. Of course he answered he already take his LUNCH and DINNER few hours ago. Kesian dia kan, terabai. Wiwiwiwiwiwi. Sorry F, Jumaat ni saya balik so lets eat and eat!
And yeah, he asked me back, either I had taken my dinner or not etc. Then part tanya khabar (we ask this everyday!!), I told him "sakit and penat" and he asked me back, "Apa yang sakit? and Why?"
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he didn't get the joke. my international joke! |
Even I myself don't know what is raga and why on Earth people say it as jiwa dan raga. Jiwa tahulah, kalau raga I don't really understand. Pardon my BM. Oh by the way, see the time of our conversation. Lewat kan? Bukan berjaga sebab nak mesej tapi dia teman saya buat kerja yang tak siap-siap. Haihhh, this year is gonna be a longggggggggg year with lots of activities. Hectic!
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And this! I know I always do typo. but in the above conversation, I'm not typo. I really mean the word "kuyat" which in bahasa Melanau and Kayan and Kenyah (if I'm not mistaken. Nora and Eitha please correct me if I'm wrong babes!) means "monkey"! Hahahaha. Then F thought I wanna say it is "buyat". And guess what? I don't know what is "buyat" and I asked him back what is "buyat". LOL. I don't know because Sarawakians as far as I know, memang tak guna word tu. Then F told me lah "buyat" ni bulat. Ntahlah. At some points, F memang takleh caya sangat. Hahahahaha. So, some of pure Sarawak colloquial language, F learned them from me. And some of Johor/ Semenanjung colloquial languages that I might used in my writings or in our conversation, I learned them from F and his family. Ehem, my family too! :p
It's good to know more than one language. As for me, i love learning different accents in Malaysia. Like those in northern part and eastern part of Peninsular Malaysia, they have different accents which I'm good at. Try me if you don't believe that I can talk with bahasa utara and Kelantan quite well. LOL. Heyyyy, I have friends from every states in Malaysia okay. What more to say, in Sarawak, we have different accents for Malay according to the place and of course the languages also. Like Melanau, Bidayuh, Iban and Kenyah! Well, I know a few words and I learned it from my friends as well. Hahahaha. It's fun! You should try. That is why, saya selalu kenakan F dalam bahasa yang lain-lain kalau tengah marah or apa. Jaw-dropped!
And sometimes F tersasul cakap BM Johor when he talked to me. Well, I'm okay with that. I know, he is using BM semenanjung in home. so, any idea of what language would our kids use later? Hahahaha, jauh berangan Fatin! In sha Allah. I'll make sure if I'm fated to be with him (amin!), I will teach the kids with both bahasa Sarawak and Semenanjung. And to make it looks fair, I'll make sure that we will teach the kids to converse in English or Arabic or Chinese in home. (Well, I'm half Chinese and half Arabic)
Tomorrow is a special day? Why? 13th March is _________________. So wait for the special update for this date ya.
Till then. I have a class and I have lots of works. Still. But for you, I spend my 30 minutes with this entry. Part 8 might be updated when I'm free. This weekend in sha Allah.
not to forget, please please please pray for those who on board in flight MH370. My prayers and thoughts are with those on board and the families. Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu'assir. Innalillahi wainnalillahi rojiun.
Assalamualaikum and have a good day loves. xx
*i'm not checking the error like grammar error or typo in this entry as I'm running out of time. sorry.
Salam....Johorean nie.
Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun untuk akak n abg.
X sangka ann dan em sudah 4 tahun. Kami mengucapkan selamat hari ulang tahun.
Salam....Johorean nie.
Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun untuk akak n abg.
X sangka ann dan em sudah 4 tahun. Kami mengucapkan selamat hari ulang tahun.
MasyaAllah, cantik nama acc adik. Hehehehe.
Thank you thank you. Keep on supporting SII okay sayangs. Doakan yang terbaik untuk kami. In sha Allah. *peluk kuat kuat* :)
Wc2. Bila update part 8 kak? Kami setiap mlm dkt screen besar baca SII. Kirim salam abg em juga :)
In sha Allah, dalam masa terdekat ni akak update okay. Sekarang busy sangat. Ni pun baru dapat nak duduk. Lepas ni nak packing barang untuk balik esok lagi. Hehehe. tunggu part seterusnya. In sha Allah, takkan lari gunung dikejar. Abang Em awak cakap waalaikumsalam. :)
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