Salamun salam and a very good days.. Just to share our best moment together. Having our Kampua Mee, Karaoke, Shopping, Iglool and everything together. We hang out together and share our joy and precious moments together.
Ika,, U'ul (me), Mar, Nora, Ashna, Itha, Lor, Zana, Ting :P |
We love, we share we cry together.. |
We spent the whole day cherish our moments and let the stress die after struggling for our Mock Exam. We accept each other for who we are. No matter how hard it is, we face it together because we know we can.
we are who we are like Kesha said :) |
Last but not least. The owner of this blog would like to thanked to all of you for your kindness to read my personal life in this blog. The sweet and sour memory in my life. My story with you, my family, my friend, my boyfriend and myself of course.
Accept me for who I am. |
This photo was taken on my 17th birthday with Mc McDreamy. :) |
p/s : Ya Allah aku memohon kepada Mu agar Engkau tetapkan hatiku kepada mereka dan keluargaku ya Allah. Tetapkanlah imanku ya Allah. Amin.
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My beloved family. The Kamarudin :P |
Wallahualam. Bye fellas.
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