Saturday, March 28, 2020

Life Update and #StayAtHome (#DudukRumah)

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

How has this MCO / RMO doing so far? Wow it’s been a while since I last writing and I feel really awkward as I started to type this. I don’t even know how to begin even I have so many things to share. Hence, pardon me for the long hiatus… hiks!

With so many things spreading in our country and in the world right now, I bet this is also the reason for this blogpost. Trying to get back on track, doing simple workout, writing short stories or novel, participating in virtual Fun Run for at least once a year, going places, rewarding myself with things that I like, taking a very nice photos, be healthy and happy and the list goes on.

My hibernation throughout the past year (2019) until now has a lot to explain too but I might or might not write it here. However, those who knows, knows. Well I use to keep my life in public, but for the recent years, I kept them in private, although for those who knows me well on social media (only) might say, I share quite a lot. Believe me, it’s not what it really is.

I’ve been battling to find inner peace, self acceptance and getting healthier each day. To which these three might explain the whole context of my disappearance in blog maybe. Lol now that I realize, who’s gonna find me in here, btw? Really, kau sapaaa? Hahaha.

Jokes aside, but do I still have Team SII here? Hello everyone. Sorry lama dah otak tepu tak reti dah nak menulis. Bukak blog pun rasanya setahun sekali as in checking on the comments and spams. 😝

During this RMO, I honestly find it is quite difficult for a Gen X (or Y) like me to be productive when the internet coverage is the biggest issue in this area. Honestly, I have been losing my patience for many times because of the noncooperation coverage. Hey DiGi, I suggest you to improve on your coverage equal to how I pay monthly for the bills, will you?

Oh mind you, I did all the chores ready, I tried new recipes, baking almost everyday, etc etc etc. Ye, ade je membaca mengaji tapi nanti nak cakap sangat cakap heyyyy tak layak mkay? So, yang itu lain cerita. 

I wanna ask all of you, hand in hand (wow kemain kau, Fateng?) to at least help our country, our government as well as our peoples who are in need of our favour. By just #stayathome or #dudukrumah only. Lessen the burden of those who works in the frontline as well as help them by helping you too, to break the chains of this virus. It's so heartbreaking to see there are still a lot of people out there take things for granted. The government and the other NGOs have been helping us to cope and deal with the situation but some of us seems to not appreciate the efforts enough. You do read everywhere, in fact peoples around you talk about the impacts on us in a long and short term. But the ignorance and negligence take over the selfish and irresponsible citizens. 😢😪

With the countless efforts as well as conveniences given each day, alongside the improvements to please the peoples, there's also no sign of the decrease in the case reported for the virus each day.. yet. I truly understand, at some points, staying at home, has it pros and cons - but there's always a reason for every action taken. Life and health are all that matter now. With the ignorance and selfishness by some of us, no doubt that this RMO will be extended to a further date. I mean, it is still a privilege for some who has  a fixed monthly salary, but have you ever imagine for those who still need to work on daily basis and depending on their daily rezeki to survive; walaupun they receive help from the government and other peoples. Here's another question, sampai bila nak bergantung kepada pertolongan kan? They still need to go out and work too, because that's their self-satisfaction. Bekerja untuk kelangsungan hidup sendiri. Even some of us also miss going out and live normally like how we used to be and work normally. Just be cooperative in the time given for this duduk rumah movement. Also, to prevent the virus to spread even worst.

On the side note, I am currently helping my friend (indirectly) in her mission to contribute to the society who are affected in this situation. Yeay! Perhaps it's a good thing that you can do at home, too. My friends are currently collecting the donation to buy basic needs like beras, cooking oil, eggs, sugar and such to some families. I mean, there are a lot of peoples who are doing this too. Some of the higher agencies and companies help in a big amount specifically to suffice any insufficient needs which the frontline need in order to treat the patients as well as the other needs too.

In this RMO period, we might not have the permit to simply go out and buy things for people, but via these channel of agencies or individuals who already asked for a permit and following the SOP / rules implemented, we can share or do our parts too. Or you can start it first, at your own area. If you happen to just want to be the donor, check and ask before you give. Just to ensure it's legit. After all, that's your right, ait? Also not to mention, nowadays banyak scammers claiming this and that, but in the end, tak nampak apa-apa.

So wow I write a lengthy post after a year of hibernation, huh? 👏 Becuase I wrote this in two different times. The first part was last night.. then the last part was right in this moment. LOL.

Well, at least finally I make use of why I signing in to this blog 9 years ago. 

p/s: Let us keep on praying for the safety of ourselves, families, friends, the frontliners, all of us, be  it in our country, as well as the world itself. May Allah always melindungi dan memudahkan semua urusan kita. Aamin YRA. 

Till then xx

Share what you do during this RMO period in the comment below! It might comes in handy to people like me for the following days. 💗