Assalamualaikum and Hi!
I know guys. Its 0320 a.m. to be exact but here comes the old me, wanting to write after a long pause! Yes, too long until it feels really awkward to be back on track again. Even writing a novel / story makes me feel insecure - to publish it here as I am very unsure of the sentences, plot that I'm creating lol. So, if you're the frequent here before, hi again and yes I do remember of my beloved and supportive Team SII. Missing you peeps, really! xx
So, am not gonna publish my writings in here. YET. Soon, perhaps. *finger crossed*
As the title says, the bad habits, I'm gonna tell you (well not really membuka pekung di dada, but let's be fair, as you have read the fun facts about me longgggg time ago, so why not I'm writing my bad habits in here, as a reflection and who knows I might think of these habits and change myself in the future, or setting my new year goals as we will welcome 2018 in about less than a month. :')
Since I got posted, I always use work as an excuse for not doing what I did before, anymore. Or shall we say, I seldom do things / hobbies that I've always done before. As if works really stopped me from doing so. For instance, writing in blog and reading books. (Mind you, I bought few books and I've not read all and even I've read it, maybe for a few pages and it stays there for a long pause) But the truth is, sometimes I also procrastinate in doing my works. Doing last minute works has run into my blood vessels since the first day I work. Nawwwww, even the word WORK sounds unfamiliar to me. I've always think that I'm still studying and actually, I miss staying up late at night doing revision, although back then, I hate that so much. Isn't life weird guys? :/
Mereput! I think mereput (read: corpse-ing, being a lazy bum) is my new (old and still) hobby. Working is just an excuse to all things for me, really. Urgh why tho?! I always use work as an excuse for me to mereput all day during the weekend. I mean, I can stay on bed like a sick person (mintak jauhlah!) all day, doing nothing, as a reward for myself after 5 days of working. I realize that, making this kind of reward is really unhealthy and sangatlah bukan menantu material lol. So, this is my conspiracy theory of doing this mereput activity as my reward. Maybe most of my weekends, I stayed alone (My lovely housemate always asked me to follow her, going back but nayyy, later I can't mereput at her house lol and actually I'm just being lazy guys, for God's sake berubahlah Norolpateng hoi!) And I always planning on doing things on weekend, wanted to be productive and change myself, but to no avail. Eventually, I did everything last minute and then I complaint a lot because earlier, I was mereput, for the whole day, tahniah!
By complaining, I mean, I nag, I bising-bising, I'm doing my works in a rush and I tend to forget to do works. Like when I was so sleepy and about to sleep after fighting in front of my laptop, doing the works (ie: everyday I have to write only 3-4 short lesson plans), suddenly I remember that I haven't key in the online data or marking the papers or key in the marks or writing pending reports that make me recall the events that were happening months ago as I want to write the REPORTS and all that jazz. Seriously, I feel like I wanna cry on that time, realizing that I'm gonna shorten my sleep-time and waking up cranky the next day, because I haven't complete my tasks, also means I have to stay up longer. & that moment, thinking of how lazy I was in the previous days - wasting my time, also wasting my money going back and forth to town, and wasting my internet quota dengan perkara-perkara lagha (istighfar!) make me menyesal. Always like that.
Not a morning person. Yes, you can relate it and you know what it means, so I stop until here! :p
Excuses. I always make excuses when I'm not interested in doing whatever works that I was assigned to, neither the daily basis tasks. I have many regular excuses that I always use like tired and leceh. As for workout, my personal coach always nag me for escaping or skipping my exercise, even doing zumba. And my excuse will always be "Kaki I sakit" or "Sore! My muscle sore, everywhere sore!" RIP workout, RIP road to Gal Gadot's and Kayla Itsines' body. Not even close to any Victoria's Secret Angels' body guys! Hahahaha cakap je malas.
This is the conclusion to my bad habits in 2017 guys.
Planning to be productive - distracted (being lazy bum or addicted to social medias or going out etc) - procrastinate - last minute works - complaining - menyesal - crying / grumpy - reflection - change? (NO! Masih sama, ulang balik the cycle)
My bad bad bad habits guys.
As 2018 is just around the corner, one of my new year resolutions is to approve that I can be productive, as the key point to these things is actually, being productive! Not drastically, slowly but surely, in sha Allah.
We'll see the changes later and I will update to you on how productive I am later, ameen! As for now, I am trying to be a morning person. Well, not too early lah, but still morning, can la aa! Kasi chanla sis nak beradu lama-lama during holidays (see! excuse over excuses) Hahahaha bad bad bad habits!
But really guys, I am working on these! Pray for me #PrayFor Fateen